“Crying is the most innocent show off of emotions; when we are unable to do anything, we cry.” But are tears good for your skin?

The discussion needs a lot of explanation because tears are various kinds, and so is the water popping from your eyes.

Key Takeaways
  1. Tears flowing on the skin release cortisol hormone, which affects our health in many ways and causes skin issues. Crying lowers the level of cortisol.
  2. Occasional weeping and shedding tears wash off the face from toxins and bacteria on the skin. It helps get rid of the unseen bacteria on the skin.
  3. Tears help clean out the eyes and remove toxins from the body.

Too much crying should be avoided for the health of your eyes. If you feel like mainly crying, see a doctor.

We have seen people complaining about why does my face burn when I cry while others claim to have some positive effects of crying on eyes.

In this content, we will cover each and everything about what does crying do to your skin.

Let’s start with the discussion:

What does crying do to your skin?

Crying is the essence of life. When a baby is born, their first cry gives us a normal and alive birth message.

So, you may experience a combination of effects of crying on the eyes because these are good but partially bad too.

But are tears good for your skin? Well, it depends upon the nature of tears. Yes! We have three different types of tears.

“Three types of tears include basal tear, emotional tear, and reflex tear, and shedding all three are considered good for health.”

However, shedding too many tears or weeping too often and for longer episodes can adversely affect your overall health. What about skin? Are tears good for your skin? Scroll below to know the answer:  

Are tears good for your skin? Reasons:

Many studies and research pieces are being conducted yet to know what does crying do to your skin. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

However, we still have found plenty of benefits of crying on the skin. Here these are:

1.     Helps Get Rid of Skin Bacteria – Acne:

The dermis, the outer layer of our skin, is prone to catching bacteria. Such bacteria can cause acne, breakouts, and other issues on the skin.

How does tear help against bacterial acne is because they are made of lysozyme, an enzyme found naturally in the human body.

Our tears are made of 4 essential substances: water, lysozyme, lipids, salt, and toxins.

Are tears good for your skin? Yes! Shedding lysozyme enzyme via tears helps get rid of bacteria on the skin.

2.     Glows up skin by reducing stress:

If we say your skin or your face is the mirror of your soul, that won’t be wrong. Whatever is happening inside can be seen and felt through your eyes, face, and skin.

Stressed out skin typically appears tired, exhausted, and saggy. Yes, stress causes skin sagginess. So, when you cry your heart out, the stress is revealed.

Emotional tears (one of the tear types) are made of higher stress hormones than basal or reflex tears.

Studies reveal that crying helps get rid of stress hormones and makes you feel better. You must have felt relaxed after sobbing.

By doing so, overall health is benefitted, and so tiredness and sagginess from the skin is released, and the skin feels good. So, we can say yes, when it comes to are tears good for your skin.

3.     Reduces premature signs of aging:

While weeping or crying, we also release another hormone named cortisol. Higher levels of Cortisol in the body affect our health in many ways because it causes stress.

“Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands and the endocrine glands.”

Crying lowers the level of cortisol hormone and hence reduces the premature signs of aging.

4.     Tears Make skin clear:

Occasional weeping and shedding tears wash off the face from toxins and bacteria on the skin. It helps get rid of the unseen bacteria on the skin.

Water, lipid, and salt in tears cleanse the skin thoroughly and make it appear clearer.

You are less prone to pimples after crying because the bacteria are washed off. So are tears good for your skin? Yes, they are.

However, a deep cleansing due to tears might make your skin appear dry after crying. Washing your face and applying good moisturizer can help you get rid of dryness.

5.     It makes you appear appealing and confident:

Have you heard happy girls are beautiful? It is true. The pressure of emotions and stress caused by anything can make you appear vulnerable as well as less appealing.

On the other, when your mood is good, and you feel great about yourself, your confidence level becomes high.

So, by boosting your mood, crying does help to make you appear appealing and confident.

“So next time, when feeling down, go in the bathroom, cry a little and come back like a queen.”

6.     Detoxifies the body:

Toxins in the body appear on the skin as issues like blemishes. Crying reduces toxins. Are tears good for your skin? Yes!

Reflect tears helps clean out the debris, dirt, and dust from your eyes. Besides this, crying emotional tears remove the toxins from your body.

Therefore, by healthy crying, you detoxify your body and make your skin clearer, beautiful, and appealing.

7.     Releasing endorphins (“feel good” chemicals)

Another evidence in our discussion of are tears good for your skin is the release of endorphins. Endorphin is made of oxytocin and endogenous opioids.

Endorphin, otherwise known as a “feel-good chemical,” helps ease the physical and emotional pain.

By releasing endorphins, your emotions get a halt because it takes you to a numb stage. Therefore, it makes you feel less about the pain you are going through and helps you stop crying.

Helping you stop crying keeps your face from blotchiness, swelling, and eyes from redness.

Are tears bad for your skin? Reasons:

The discussion on what does crying do to your skin doesn’t end here. Excessive crying can be awful for your skin, eyes, and overall body health.

That’s why we had mentioned at the start of the discussion that the answer to your query isn’t that simple, are tears good for your skin.

Tears can be bad for your skin, too; however, only excessive crying.

“Being under continuous stress, feeling down, and always sobbing on the verge of emotions can adversely affect your skin, appearance, and overall health.”

Why tears are bad for your skin, the causes are written as below:

Side effects of crying too much on eyes

Some side effects of crying too much on the eyes are given as follows:

1.     Blotchy face after crying:

Our tears have a good amount of salt in them. Some amount of crying and shedding salt on the skin can clear the face, but excessive crying leads to water retention or dehydration.

“Your skin gets dehydrated due to excessive crying.”

Along with this, crying makes the blood circulation towards the face faster and more excessive. As a result, your look appears bloated, blotchy, red, puffy, and strained.

Your skin looks saggy, and you appear tired.

2.     Petechiae after crying:

Are tears good for skin? Yes, but too much crying is not good.  Petechiae or red dots under the eyes can be seen after excessive crying.

You don’t need to use anything like a cream or gel to get rid of petechiae after crying because it goes away on its own within a day or two.

However, you will have to curtail stress and emotions, causing you to sob too much.

3.     Broken blood vessels on the face from crying:

While crying, you are specifically imposing pressure on the area around your eyes. This pressure can result in the breakage of tiny blood vessels around your eyes.

While crying, if you rub the eyes or snag them with a fabric or object, the excessive breakage of blood vessels can happen around the eyes, making your skin appear old and tired.

4.     Dark circles from crying:

The blood circulation on the face and around the eyes becomes excessive when a person weeps too much and too often.

Emotions can stress you out and make you feel sleepless at night. You might spend many sleepless nights sobbing on the pillow.

This thing causes redness around the eyes if not treated well, and when crying is not stopped, you can experience dark circles around the eyes.

5.     Eyes itchy after crying:

Yes, toxins in the body are also released through tears; that’s why they can be salt and burning sometimes. It can cause a burning sensation in the eyes.

Try splashing cold water on your eyes, icing around the hood, and relaxing can help you get rid of the itchiness.


Here, we have answers to some of the most frequently asked questions for our readers:

What happens to your eyes when you cry too much?

Crying too much can impact your skin and eyes badly. It makes you appear vulnerable, tired, and slouchy.

It can cause itchiness in the eyes, burning on your skin, and dark circles around the eyes.

Can tears burn your skin?

One of the elements found in tears is salt. Shedding too many salty tears can burn your skin, especially if you have a sensitive one.

Sweeping tears through hands or fabric can also elevate the burning sensation in your eyes.

Does crying age you?

Are tears good for skin aging? Yes, they are. Does crying age you? Nope!

We all cry due to different reasons. But healthy crying comes with positive effects on your skin. Tears reveal stress and keep you from aging.

Do tears help acne?

Yes! Tears are made of a special enzyme called lysozyme. Lysozyme helps remove bacteria on the skin by crying.

So, yes, tears are good for your skin; they help get rid of skin impurities.

Does crying give you wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles are temporary and excessive crying can cause them around your eyes. It is because your skin becomes puffy when you cry too much.

However, these wrinkles go away on their own.

Does crying dehydrate you?

No! By crying, you are just shedding excessive fluid in the body. So it doesn’t dehydrate your body. However, toxic and salty tears can dehydrate your skin if you cry too much.

Findings & Conclusion

We have found a combination of results for the query, Are tears good for your skin. Crying has a positive and negative side too.

Healthy crying, like shedding tears due to emotional pain at some point in time, helps skin to become clearer and glowing and helps remove stress.

Contrary to this, excessive crying can be adverse to your eyes and appearance.

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Last Updated on October 21, 2022