15 year old is diverse; you find teenagers with different growth trends concerning height and weight. This is why the average weight for 15 year olds varies from person to person.

15-year-old males are yet developing their bodies, so their height and weight are still mounting, while there are more chances that a 15-year-old female has already reached its maximum height.

Key Takeaways
  • The normal BMI of 15-year-olds is between 18.5 and 24.9.
  • BMI or body mass index of a 15 year old should be between 5th and 85th percentiles.
  • The average weight of 15 year old should be according to their height with various other factors involved.

Moreover, various factors determine a person’s average weight; the most important of them all is height.

The taller a person is, the weightier it will be, and vice versa.

But how tall a 15 year old can be, and how can you conclude if you or your child is at a healthy weight? Here is a detailed parenting guide by Look Broad.

Weight for 15 year olds

The average weight for 15 year olds varies, and to know if the weight is healthy or not, BMI is calculated.

“The BMI stands for body mass index or body mass indicator. BMI varies in age, weight, height, and gender. For example, 15-year-old males will have a different BMI than 15-year-old females.

BMI actually specifies high body fat. On the basis of BMI, it is calculated that your 15-year-old teenager is underweight, at a good weight, or overweight.

“The normal BMI of 15-year-olds is between 18.5 and 24.9.”

To calculate Body Mass Index or Body Mass Indicator, you need weight (KG) and height (meters) square. The determined value lies below than 18.5 and 24.9 range, your child is underweight, and if it is more than the given range of BMI, your child is overweight than the average weight for 15 year olds.

Check this table:

BMI Average weight for 15 year olds
18.5 or less Underweight
18.5 to 24.9 Ideal
25 to 29.9 Overweight
30 or more Obese

What is the average weight for 15 year olds?

Once again, there is no hard and fast or exact figure to determine the average weight for a 15-year-old. It varies gender-wise.

There are chances that males or boys weigh more than the overall weight of a female because male muscles and bones are much heavier than females.

However, there is also a chance that a 15 year old female has already reached her maximum height, making her weigh more than the boys of her age.

So, various things are going to matter when it comes to calculating, determining, or figuring out the average weight for 15 year olds.  

  • Average weight for 15-year old female

Every female in her 15teens doesn’t weight the same and their heights vary too. According to the latest height stats in fifteen year olds,

  • The average height of a 15 year old should be 5 feet, 4 inches which make 1.65 meters.

This can be more or less based on the other factor such as genetics, health, and height increasing rate which is more in some kids compare to others.

  • When talking specifically about females, the weight of a 15 year old girl will be as per her height that can be on average around 67.0 inches or 170 centimeters,

With this height, their weight will be around 56 kilograms or 123.5 pounds.

  • Average weight for 15-year old male

Males vary more in height compare to female in their teens because increase in the height of males happens for more years compare to females.

So, if most of the females have determined or reached their maximum heights until they are 15 year olds, the boys will still be increasing their heights and there are chances they might be a little smaller in size then females.

There are also chances that you don’t find much of a difference between the sizes and weights of males and females in their 15 years of age.

Based on the states, the average weight for 15 year olds will be

  • 1 centimeters or 67.0 inches height with the weight as 56.03 kilograms or 123.5 pounds.

How much should a 15 year old weigh?

The bodies of 15 year olds are still changing. Although, if females have determined their heights, other changes are still undergoing determining her overall body figure.

Therefore, how much should a 15 year old weigh, requires a bit explanation.

“According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, the BMI or body mass index of a 15 year old should be in between 5th and 85th percentiles.”

 What about males and females? Read the lines coming ahead:

  • Healthy weight for 15 year old female

The average weight for 15 year olds female, according to experts, should have size of 5 feet 3 inches with a weight between 92 to 135 pounds.

This can vary demographically as well as based on the genetics of a person. So, if your child’s height is less or more than the height given here, their weight will vary accordingly too.

  • Healthy weight for 15 year old male

Males can increase their height to maximum levels in the 15 years of age. According to CDC, a male child with 5 feet 7 inches height should weigh between 105 to 143 pounds.

Here you need to note down one thing that weight scale isn’t the only thing showcasing if your child is healthy or not. There are number of factors involved.

Factors can Impact a 15 Year Olds Weight

We all know that proper exercises and meal plans help in maintaining average weight for 15 year olds. However, there are some factors, which we usually ignore, that can also impact the weight of your child. These are:

1.     Mental Health

Stress, anxiety, and depression are some of the factors to impact the healthy weight of your child. If their mental health is deteriorated, their physical wellbeing is going to be affected as well.

Many disorders such as emotional eating and bulimia can impact the appetite and overall weight of your child.

2.     Medical Condition

If your child is suffering from any medical condition, their weight is going to impact in the wrong way. These conditions include hypothyroidism, Menopause, Cushing’s diseases, or sleep apnea.

You are advised to see a doctor on regular basis and get the child checked to overcome and counter the effects caused by these medical conditions.

3.     Medications

Almost all medications or drugs come with side effects. However, some can affect the average weight for 15 year olds more than anything else.

If your child is on medicines used for diabetes or allergies, there are chances he or she might put on weight.

4.     Genetics

Genetics can play their role too. If someone in the family is overweight, especially parents, the child is most likely to have increased weight.

However, this thing can be controlled using healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and workout routine along with avoiding junk food.

5.     Poor Relaxing Patterns

Last but not the least, if your child doesn’t relax properly at night, they might end up getting overweight or underweight.

Lack of sleep due to a disorder or wrong routine will lead your child with weight disorders and problems. Your child needs 8-10 hours of sleep like most teenagers.

Weight maintaining tips for 15 year olds

Here are some healthy eating habits your child should adopt to maintain average weight for 15 year olds:

1.     Nutrient Rich Diet

There are many diets available to maintain the weight or increase weight loss procedure where some involve cutting nutrients.

A 15 year old is not allowed to do that. They can decrease the calorie intake and consume only to an optimum level but their diet should have all the nutrients.

No cut on carbs, fats, or proteins because such diets are meant to be for adults and not kids.

2.     No Starvation

Teenagers can have very rough eating patterns and usually eat when they feel like eating or sometimes eat a lot more after a session of starvation. This is wrong.

A child should never go on lone periods without eating because it can take their bodies into drought period and their body can put on weight because of starvation.

3.     Go Green

Instead of junk food, pizza, and other things of such sort, to maintain average weight for 15 year olds they should be eating greens.

Plenty of salads and fruits should be added to their daily meals along with smoothies and shakes so they can enjoy healthy eating.

4.     Eat in Peace

Teenagers, instead of eating in peace, keep going round and round with food in their hands. They also use mobiles or watch television while eating.

Such distractions should be avoided and ensure that these kids eat in peace and eat properly.

5.     Evaluate Health

Hunger and fullness levels should be evaluated along with healthy average weight for 15 year olds in order to track their health in proper manner.

Bottom Line

Here comes the end of our today’s discussion. We have not only added average weight for 15 year olds, but factors affecting weight, along with some tips to maintain a healthy weight in teenagers.

For more information, keep visiting LookBroad.
