Body Recomposition Diet restores healthy fat, regains muscle mass, and lets you have the perfect physique. Didn’t understand? Let us explain:

Key Takeaways

A body recomp diet is intended to restore healthy fat, bring back muscle mass, and get a perfect physique.

  • Most of the calories are obtained from healthy fats and protein-rich items, while the remaining part is based on carbs.
  • You eat a lot of healthy food while doing your body recomp.

Work out and exercise plan is also mandatory to follow when taking a body recomposition diet.   

Losing weight is not the issue unless you come across stubborn lumps around your belly, thighs, and arms…

Some suggest you do certain specific area exercises that are too tough to follow, while others come up with green tea ideas.

But, in the end, you see, nothing is really helping, and the thickness bulging is increasing with each passing day.  

What if we tell you, with body recomposition diet, now you can have flat belly adorned with 6-packs, skinny limbs, and no fat residue anywhere…? This is true!

To know all about body recomp, read this article till the end as it has a free body recomposition meal plan and workout plan from experts.

So, let’s start

What is Body Recomp?

The body recomp or recomposition process helps you lose stubborn fat and build muscles simultaneously to let you get your youthful physique back.

Although some exercises are involved, a major in this process is played body recomposition diet based on certain meals (we explain in the lines coming ahead).

For more information, our body is composed of the proportions of lean body mass (bones, water, and natural muscle mass) and fat residue (meat bulges due to age or bad habits).

So, recomposition means maintaining your body’s lean or natural mass while decreasing, diminishing, or sacking the fat residue.

How to Body Recomp?

How to start and accelerate the recomposition process in your body, if you ask. Well, body recomposition diet is the main helper in this regard.

As the built-up fat has different ratios, the body recomposition régime will also vary for different people. So every specific person out there will have to track calories and macros (macronutrients).

Let us explain a little bit for a better idea;

Determine your primary goal

Body recomposition means losing mass and gaining muscles simultaneously, so firstly, you will have to conclude your primary goal of following such diet plans.

For example, people on the lean side will aim to gain muscles, while people with obesity will have the primary purpose of losing stubborn fat.

After that, go with calculating calorie and macronutrient intake.

Body Recomp Calories

Based on your aim of following a body recomposition diet plan, the next step is to calculate the number of calories you will consume in a day, per meal basis.

You can use an online body recomp calorie calculator in this regard. However, if you want to do it manually, there are three ways to calculate it for more precise results.

There are three calculation methods available to count calories.

Body Recomp Calorie Calculator to Determine Maintenance Calories

Mifflin-St Jeor Equation: For men:

BMR = 10W + 6.25H – 5A + 5

For women:

BMR = 10W + 6.25H – 5A – 161

Harris-Benedict Equation:


For men:

BMR = 13.397W + 4.799H – 5.677A + 88.362

For women:

BMR = 9.247W + 3.098H – 4.330A + 447.593

Katch-McArdle Formula:


For men and women both

BMR = 370 + 21.6(1 – F) W



W = body weight in kg
H = body height in cm
A is the age
F = body fat in percentage


* If your goal is to lose fat, minus 300 to 600 calories from the obtained value (number of maintenance calories).

*To build muscles and stop being leaner, add 200 – 500 calories to the acquired value.

Body Recomposition Macros

Macros, aka macronutrients, are the significant minerals and vitamins your body requires. For body recomposition diet, protein, carbs, and fats are the most crucial body recomping macros.

 To determine how many macros you need to consume for the body recomp diet plan, here is the detail:

  • Protein intake = 1.0–1.3 grams per pound

For instance, if you are a person weighing 150 pounds, the protein intake will be 120 x 1.0 – 1.3 = 150 – 195 grams of protein in a day.

 You can divide the protein part equally in the three meals and one snack of your daily body recomposition diet.

  • Fat intake = 20% of your total daily calories.

For instance, for people to consume 2000 calories per day, the fat portion of their daily diet will be 20% of the 2000 = 44 grams.

  • Carb intake = Calories remaining after protein and fat consumption can be obtained from carbs.

Best Body Recomposition Diet

Here is the best diet for body recomposition.

We will divide body recomposition macros into three groups:

1.   Proteins:

Protein is the major and one of the best macros for body recomposition because of its properties of aiding fat loss and supporting muscle build-up.

2.   Fat:

The second best macronutrient for body recomping is fat. It will have the second significant addition to your meals.

3.   Carbohydrates:

The last yet most minor portion of your diet will be based on carbohydrates. All weight loss diets, including the most famous keto diets, are based on the formula of adding proteins and cutting carbs.

The central part of the body recomposition diet plan is obtained from Protein, then Fats, and lastly, from Carbs.

Body Recomposition Meal Plan:

Your meal plan is based on the foods to avoid and foods to consume during breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack breaks.

Body recomposition meal plan: foods to eat

Fruits Berries, grapes, melons, apple, avocado, pears
Vegetables Green leafy stuff like asparagus, beets, broccoli, cassava, kale, and cassava. And onions, pepper, and squash for seasoning.
Lean meats Loin, or round cuts of beef and pork: sirloin, tenderloin
Poultry Eggs, chicken, turkey, goose, quail, ducks
Dairy Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, butter
Whole grains Whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice, popcorn, oats, and quinoa
Legumes Beans and peas
Nuts and seeds Almond, cashew, pecan, chia, pumpkin seeds, pecan, and walnut.

This is not all. You will have to refrain from certain food groups or items.

For instance, you should limit your intake of baked goods, inorganic cereals, fried food, full of sugar fruits, frozen meals, and sugar-full desserts.

Alcohol, energy drinks, and sodas are a big no when you are body recomposition diet and following a proper recomping meal plan.

Whether you are following Dr. Now’s Diet Plan, Dr. Procter’s Diet Plan, keto diet plan, or simply recomp diet plan, a minimal workout is necessary.

Here are the details:

Body Recomposition Workout Plan:

The best thing about following fad diets is that you don’t have to put so much hard work into exercising. Some small moves are enough.

You can target a specific area for each, for instance, Mondays for the upper body, Tuesdays for the lower body, and so on…

Here is the detail:

Upper body Lower body HIIT
Barbell rows Back squats 30-second sprints
Overhead press Deadlifts 4         sets
Pull-ups Hip thrust 2 minute recovery period
Bicep curls Leg curl
Seated chest press Leg extension

*After every two days, you can have one rest day and work out accordingly.

How Long Does Body Recomposition Take?

During recomping, you are going all-natural, and nothing artificial is added to your body recomposition diet. Therefore, it will take time.

You can say that body recomposition is a comparatively slow process to lose fat and gain lean mass. You will need to stick to the diet and workout plan and have patience.

Within 4 weeks of dedicated hard work, you can notice visible changes in our physique. However, reaching your goal will take time.

But, if you want quick results, here is a trick that most lifters use.

Supplements to Accelerate Body Recomposition

Do not go with steroids, but natural supplements can help you accelerate the process. For instance, you can use protein powder to meet the protein intake of your body recomposition diet.  

The recommended safe supplements for recomping are:


Creatine is not an artificial supplement but a miraculous compound naturally found in our bodies. It mainly deals with increasing muscle mass and refraining from injuries during high-intensity workouts and regular exercises.

By using it, you can accelerate your energy for exercise and do more work out without feeling drained. Lifters and runners use this compound as a strength-boosting element.

How much creatine should you take a day? Click to find out.


Caffeine is compound to stimulate your nervous system to increase your physical performance. You can obtain it from natural sources like cocoa plants, kola nuts, coffee beans, and tea leaves.

By using it, you can decrease pain in your body, fatigue, and tediousness caused by lower calorie consumption or workouts.

Weight Loss Pills:

Last but not least, you can also find helpful supplements in the form of pills. Different celebrities consume it; however, they never endorse it openly, especially in Hollywood.

Find all the details below:


Bottom Line

Here, our discussion on body recomposition diet comes to an end. We have discussed what a body recomposition diet is, how it helps gain muscle and lose fat altogether, the meal plan, workout plan, and supplements to accelerate the recomping process.

For more information related to diet plans, keep visiting us.


Last Updated on November 22, 2022