We all feel anxious at some part of the time and often associate it with an emotional issue. However, recent research, especially after COVID erupted, gave birth to questions like can anxiety be caused by hormones?

Key Takeaways
  • Anxiety is an uneasy feeling about someone, something, or some situation.
  • Our body and mind work in correlation. So, anxiety is caused by hormonal fluctuations.
  • Eating healthy, getting yourself checked by a doctor, and regular workouts can help you overcome the symptoms.

Before you know whether hormonal imbalance causes anxiety, you should understand what anxiety is. Anxiety is an uneasy feeling about someone, something, or some situation.

As a result, a person feels nervous and not perfectly all right. Well, this happens to all of us, such as apprehension intervenes when we are doing something for the first time, going for an interview, or seeing our ex happy without us.

This happens to everyone, and feeling uneasy at some point cannot be associated with anxiety caused by hormones. However, when it happens more often and regularly, frightening makes us unable to handle day-to-day activities.

This is when it gets worsens and requires treatment.

So, can anxiety be caused by hormones? Let’s find out everything about it and how you can overcome this anxious feeling.

Can Anxiety Be Caused By Hormones?

Our body and mind work in correlation. This means if you are in a bad mood, you will feel less likely to do anything physically, get exhausted, and end up fatigued.

The correlation between our body’s physical and mental state tells us that ANXIETY CAN BE CAUSED BY HORMONAL IMBALANCES.

FYI: When our hormones are at correct levels, we notice nothing; however, a little out of whack can end us up with anxiety and worry, AKA their emotional or psychological symptoms.

Now, when this happens more than usual, the stress never goes away, and you remain unable to slap it out… You need to check your hormonal level with a professional and follow a treatment plan to restore your health.

What Hormones Cause Anxiety?

Can anxiety be caused by hormones? Yes. Here we are naming some hormones that are pretty famous for causing depression and mood swings in men and women.

1.     Estrogen

The estrogen hormone works everywhere and intervenes in the physical and mental functions of the body. For instance, determining your physical features, such as breast size, also controls your emotions.

Fluctuating estrogen can cause social anxiety. So, when women go through hormonal changes, they feel apprehended or anxious as well as stressed out.

2.     Progesterone

Progesterone is a mood-soothing hormone, but its imbalance can cause anxiety and depression. During this, women can feel premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

1 in 20 women goes through this issue. Women can experience changes in their menstrual cycle, have cramps, and feel down during specific days of the month.

Stay tuned to the discussion on can anxiety be caused by hormones; in the upcoming lines, we will discuss how a person feels when hormones cause anxiety.

3.     Testosterone

Testosterone, also known as sex hormones, can sometimes make you anxious, depressed, down, or over-energetic. During puberty, menopause, or the menstrual period, testosterones fluctuate the most.

There are happy chemicals in the body. However, when testosterone imbalance occurs, these happy chemicals don’t form, making the person feel depressed, sad, and anxious.

4.     Adrenaline

You might have experienced stress and disquiet while confronting people. This is known as social anxiety, and adrenaline is the hormone responsible for it.

When a person feels susceptible to some situation (mentally or physically), the body releases adrenaline in higher amounts. This is your body’s response to cater to the problem. As a result, you feel anxiety.

5.     Cortisol

Can anxiety be caused by hormones? Yes! Cortisol administrates cognitive emotion regulation. Access production can increase worrisome, stress, and depression. However, when it is controlled, the person feels emotionally stable.

Cortisol is one of the sex hormones. So, when you experience Cortisol fluxes, you can experience a lack of sex drive and less interest in your surroundings, even the loving partner.

6.     Thyroid

With problems in your thyroid tissues, glands, or hormones, issues like hypothyroidism occur, which not only disturb the physical state of a person but the mental state as well.

When you have an overactive thyroid, you can experience mood swings, ending up with anxiety and depression without any specific reasons in front.

7.     Oxytocin

Depressive disorders and anxiety be caused by hormones like oxytocin. A person can panic more than usual when there is an Oxytocin imbalance in the body.

Several studies have shown this. You need to increase it in your body. According to experts, when OT increases, blood pressure and cortisol levels are reduced, making a person feel less worried or anxious.

Anxiety Caused By Hormonal Imbalance

As now you know, we have a positive answer for can anxiety be caused by hormones. Now it is time to inform you that it shows different symptoms in men and women.

Usually, hormonal anxiety is associated with women only. Although women are more prone to such issues, men cannot be ignored. They can also experience stress and depression due to fluctuating levels of hormones.

How do men and women bodies respond? Here are the details:  

Symptoms of Anxiety Caused By Hormones in Women

Anxiety is not just about feeling uneasy. When it intervenes, the women can have the worst mood swings and memory issues. Here are the details:

  • With fluctuating hormones, women can have a hard time remembering short details or focusing on the things in their surroundings.
  • They can experience sudden mood changes without any reason, such as feeling extra down and depressed out of nowhere in the middle of the day.
  • They can experience aching muscles and fatigue with an urge to do nothing and just lie on the bed all the time.
  • They can experience a lack of sexual urges and difficulty achieving arousal and orgasm. They can feel less interested in intercourse and show less interest in their partners.  

Symptoms of Anxiety Caused By Hormones in Men

Can anxiety be caused by hormones in men? Yes! Men aren’t spared from the anxiety caused by fluctuating chemicals in the body.

As a result of some events, especially problems with their partners can cause anxiety issues in men. What can they experience? Here is the detail:

  • When they are depressed due to hormonal imbalance, men lose their urge to look good, dress-up well and do experiments with their outward personalities.
  • They feel unhealthy and fatigued yet can experience loss of muscle strength. They don’t feel dominated and happy anymore.
  • They can experience frequent illnesses such as headaches, fever, and even stomach pain. People consider it a physical issue, but this is because they are not happy mentally.
  • They can also experience physical issues such as loss of libido or erection problems. This all happens when their hormonal level fluctuates.

Tips to Overcome Anxiety Related to Hormones

Now you have a good idea regarding can anxiety be caused by hormones. The answer is yes for men and women both. But what you can do in this situation?

1.     Get Your Hormones Checked

Instead of ignoring the issue, you will have to get your hormones checked by a professional. You should have an urge to feel all right. Get an appointment booked to know about the situation in a better way.

2.     Consume Healthy Food

We have plenty of foods that balance hormones in females and males. Try to change your diet and depend more on healthy and organic items. Eat good fats, fiber, carbs, and proteins.

3.     Workout

Always ignored, but this is the best cure when anxiety is caused by hormones. You need to exercise because certain moves help you balance the hormones. For instance, happy hormones form as a result of a workout.

4.     Relax Yourself

You will have to stop worrying about non-issues. Try keeping yourself busy. If you don’t have any special activity or hobby, try yoga and meditation. You can learn it online as well as join groups.

5.     Sleep Cycle

Can you sleep well? Not sleeping on time and then keep thinking deeply at night is the biggest cause of depression. Try to meditate at night before bed and work on proper sleep.

6.     Hormone Replacement Therapies

If you are still unable to cope with the situation and are now sure about it, can anxiety be caused by hormones? You can go for hormonal replacement therapy.

7.     Count On Your Blessings

Try to work on your brain. Try counting your blessings and look at the positive side of life. Spend time outside and look at the people, learn their stories and be thankful for whatever you have.

Using these issues, you can cater to the anxiety caused by hormonal imbalance.

Bottom Line

You need to change the way you think or respond to things. If you are not liking at one place, go outside and change your surroundings. Make happiness a priority and practice happiness every day.

Remember, your food and activity level is going to play a major role in this regard. Never ignore the power of eating healthy and staying active.

Here, our discussion on can anxiety be caused by hormones ends. For more information about health issues, keep visiting us.
