Living as a diabetic can be challenging but also fun if you know what to eat and things to avoid. For instance, many of our users are sending us the query “Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero.”
If you are in a fix and want to know all about diet coke and diabetes, this content is for you.
Diet coke or zero coke, as they come with no sugar, people consider them permitted for diabetics, which is wrong.
- Diabetics should not drink coke zero.
- Artificial sweeteners are used to sweeten the beverage, which can be more harmful than regular sugar.
- Regular drinking of coke zero can lead to serious health such as strokes, heart issues, and oxidative stress.
You can try healthy options instead, such as kombucha or sparkling water.
We are covering every general and specific query you are looking for.
Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero?
According to doctors and expert dieticians,
People with diabetes must avoid soft drinks, coke, and even zero or diet cokes. You may think that coke zero is sugar-free, then why do diabetics can’t have it?
Well, it doesn’t contain sugar; however, artificial substitutes are added that can be harmful to the health of a person, specifically someone with diabetes looking forward to reducing the sugar level in their blood.
Can Diabetic Drink Diet Coke?
Diet coke is also a no-no for people with diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes of any type are recommended and suggested not to drink diet coke.
Both coke zero and diet come with artificial sweeteners to help people enjoy a sweet taste without using sugar. However, despite the good thing of having no calories inside, artificial sweeteners bring other health risks.
Health hazards can be extremely harmful, and here is all you need to know about them.
Coke Zero Health Risks
Why do we say no when you ask, Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero, is because of the health risks it brings. Some coke zero health risks are given as below:
1. Increased Risk of Heart Disease:
Due to the artificial sweetener in it, coke zero can be a root cause of heart diseases and make your heart function improper.
It is not just a general thought by doctors but a proven fact that people who consume diet cokes or zero cokes on a regular basis have a higher risk of heart diseases and, in worst cases, of a heart stroke.
The risk gets even more in people with diabetes because their insulin level is already at stake, and the rest of the body functions already need attention when it comes to eating stuff.
In short, artificial sweeteners in Coca-Cola zero are extremely problematic for your health.
2. Increased Risk of Kidney Disease:
The glomerular filtration rate is an important measure to check when it comes to looking at a healthy kidney. A balanced Glomerular filtration rate means the kidney is healthy and working properly.
However, when you consume coke zero on a regular basis, it can disrupt the Glomerular filtration rate and decrease kidney functioning.
Consuming two diet sodas is even worse for the health as it can cause kidney failure in the long run.
So Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero and avoid kidney issues? No!
3. Oxidative Stress:
Coke Zero health risks can lead to oxidative stress.
What is oxidative stress meaning? It requires a little explanation. You know that our body contains combos of free radicals (oxygen species) and natural antioxidant defenses.
When the level of free radicals and antioxidants disturbs, it causes oxidative stress.
What happens during Oxidative stress? Well, continuous drinking diet cokes can increase this stress, and as a result, you can experience cell tissue damage and breakage of DNA. It is the same tissue damage that you experience during diabetes mellitus.
The damage can cause inflammation, diabetes, and in worst cases, cancer.
Therefore, pregnant ladies must avoid zero coke, and people with no diabetes should consume it less.
4. Could Alter your Gut Microbiome:
In diabetes, your body already has poor control of blood sugar. However, artificial sweeteners and other things in the diet coke can alter the gut microbiome.
By doing so, the control of blood sugar levels is even disrupted. It means you can experience an increase in your blood sugar levels that can result in leg pain and pain in the other sides of your body.
5. Misbalancing Antioxidant Levels:
Our body has natural antioxidants inside that help get rid of body toxins. However, overuse of the diet coke can cause disturb the balance and results in fat, obesity, excessive sugar, etc.
This is the reason when you ask a doctor, Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero, he would recommend not even a sip to you because you are already suffering from a lack of antioxidants.
6. May Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis:
Coke zero health risks include osteoporosis, a condition where the bones of a person get fragile, and the joints become weak. It disturbs a person’s daily routine tasks like walking, sitting, standing, and going on stairs.
Artificial additives found in coke zero are the reason behind this condition. Regular use of milk and calcium supplements is recommended for a person who has osteoporosis.
It can also cause aches and pain in the body of a person with diabetes.
So, the answer to your question, Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero, still remains no!
7. Miscarriage:
Along with diabetics, pregnant women shouldn’t drink Coke zero either, as it can cause miscarriages and other pregnancy complications.
These are as harmful to the baby as runny eggs to cause by-birth abnormalities in the kids. You should know that even caffeine-free diet soda isn’t a great choice during pregnancy or diabetes.
Hence, based on the health risks, we will say to the query, Can diabetics drink coke zero.
“Do you know the combo of Cheetos and the coke is worst for pregnant ladies and diabetics?”
What is the Sweetener in Coke Zero and Diet Coke?
Coke Zero contains no sugar and comes with zero calories that seem a good choice for people looking to lower their calorie count. But is it safe, or can diabetics drink coke zero?
No! It is because of the artificial sweeteners used in coke zero. So what is the sweetener in coke zero?
Well, there is not just one sweetener used in it but three. What are those? Check below:
1. Aspartame:
The first artificial additive in coke zero is Aspartame. What does aspartame do to your body? Aspartame is much worse than sugar in many ways.
It will affect the overall immune system of your body and lead to oxidative stress and stomach inflammation.
Not only this, but aspartame also affects various body cells such as the brain, liver, kidney, and heart.
2. Acesulfame Potassium or Ace K:
Acesulfame potassium or Ace k is the second sweetener to find in Coke zero, enough to increase Coke Zero’s health risks. How?
Acesulfame potassium is made of many compounds, one of which is carcinogen methylene chloride. Methylene chloride is associated with risks of headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances, and in the worst cases, cancer.
If you are still confused about, is coke zero bad for you or not, check the following lines.
3. Splenda:
Splenda is the name of artificial sugar in the diet coke. This is also one of the harmful additives used in diet cokes.
How does Splenda in the coke zero bring health risks? Well, it can kill the good bacteria in your body the half. It also increases the risk of inflammation in the body.
It means, people following protein diets to shed some weight shouldn’t be misled by the zero sugar formula of coke companies. It can cause obesity and diabetes.
Why is Diet Soda Bad for Diabetics?
Diet soda has clear links with metabolic syndrome that can make diabetes even worse. Even if an average person takes it, the risk of getting diabetes increases.
Besides, diet sodas such as Coke Zero or Diet Coke can also be a reason for weight gain, especially around the belly.
Along with this, diet sodas can also be the reason for insulin spikes in the blood to worsen insulin sensitivity with time, resulting in increased blood sugar levels.
What are Alternative Sugar-Free Drinks for Diabetics?
Now you are sure Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero or not. But don’t be sad. You don’t need to drink water only to quench your thirst, as here we bring plenty of Alternative sugar-free drinks for diabetics.
So, here are some safe-flavored waters for people with diabetes.
1. Sparkling Water:
It is actually your homemade soda water with no artificial additives or sweets. Known as sparkling water. Seltzer water, or carbonated drink, you will make it bubbling using carbon dioxide, a safe compound for people with diabetes.
2. Vegetable Juice:
Celery, kale, broccoli, and cucumber are perfect vegetables to give you a healthy drink if you want to have some flavored water. Make simple juice with mineral water and enjoy.
3. Herbal Tea:
Herbal teas are another great yet healthy option when it comes to Alternative sugar-free drinks for diabetics. Available in plenty of flavors with no artificial sugar inside, diabetics and obese people can enjoy herbal teas without confusion.
4. Sugar-Free Lemonade:
At home, you can make lemonade without adding sugar. A tasty tarty zest will add up to your mood. Besides this, lemonade will also help you keep hydrated and your stomach filled with antioxidants.
5. Sugar-Free Kombucha:
Kombucha is one of the best Alternative sugar-free drinks for diabetics because it contains no harmful sugary essence. It is made by using yeast and black tea.
6. Cranberry Cocktail:
Cranberry cocktail is a flavored soda drink diabetics can drink, however, in moderation. Drinking too much might be harmful.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Difference Between Coke Zero and Diet Coke?
There is a difference in taste and the ingredients. Zero coke has the same taste as the original Coca-Cola bottle, while diet coke has a different taste.
However, both contain artificial sweeteners and are recommended to avoid by diabetics.
2. Does Diet Coke Raise Blood Sugar?
Yes! Diet coke contains artificial sweeteners like Splenda that can raise insulin in the blood and so the blood sugar levels.
3. Does Coke Zero have Carbs?
Coke Zero does not contain carbs or calories.
4. How Does Coke Zero have No Calories?
Coke Zero has no calories because it is made of more artificial sweeteners than the original sugar.
5. How Much Coke Zero can I Drink Without Spiking My Insulin?
Sipping on coke zero once a month won’t spike your insulin levels. However, to avoid taking any risks, it should be avoided, and instead, alternative sugar-free drinks for diabetics should be consumed.
Can Diabetics Drink Coke Zero? No! Though moderate amounts won’t spike the insulin levels still, these are recommended to avoid by doctors, researchers, and studies published in different years.