Can you eat Burrata when pregnant? Burrata is one of the types of cheese that mothers often ask, can I eat Burrata while pregnant?

Well, this guide has it all.

Key Takeaways
  • Yes! Burrata is made with types of cheese; being high in protein cheese made Burrata is great to have during pregnancy.
  • Be mindful if buying Burrata ready-made Burrata from stores as they might contain harmful processed ingredients.
  • Formulation of Burrata with unpasteurized ingredients is a no-no during pregnancy and earlier months of delivery.

Pregnancy is the sweetest yet most challenging part of a woman’s life, and so for men, as it is the couple that has to take care of the pregnancy, not the mother alone.

The biggest challenge for mothers is to decide what to eat and what not to while pregnant because now she isn’t eating for herself alone, but for the fetus too, that is, utterly dependent on the mother.

 We have already covered stuff like Can you eat Burrata when pregnant, such as:

Can you eat runny or over-easy eggs while pregnant?

Can you eat acai during pregnancy?

Can you eat hot Cheetos while pregnant?

And a lot more. We loved the feedback received from mothers, and we are so happy to help.

You can check our pregnancy special addition for more on this subject.

Coming back to the topic, let’s find out is Burrata safe during pregnancy?

Can You Eat Burrata When Pregnant?

Burrata and all other Cheeses types are made with the help of healthy bacteria using dairy obtained from animals. Cheese is high in protein, and protein is great for pregnancy.

However, it would be best to be 100% sure when it comes to knowing can you eat Burrata when pregnant because the stuff obtained from animals can carry parasites that can cause foodborne illnesses in the babies.

So, having cheese when pregnant needs a lot of care.

According to experts:

“Hard cheese and pasteurized cheese are safest for pregnant ladies as there is less moisture that parasites need to survive.”

Basically, Burrata is a fresh cheese from Italy made from shreds of mozzarella and animal cream. However, it has constantly been subjected to confusion for being pregnancy-safe.

Some recommend it as safe while bearing a child, while others think the contrary.

Why is that so?

It can be because of the Burrata brands that we have in plenty. Different brands produce Burrata with altered formulas or recipes. Some use pasteurized ingredients, while others go with unpasteurized ones.

What to decide? Can you eat Burrata when pregnant?

You can decide by depending on 2 things:

  1. It should be pasteurized.
  2. It should be hard cheese.

Let’s find out if Burrata cheese fulfills these two conditions.

Is Burrata Pasteurized?

Is Burrata cheese pasteurized? The answer is from which country you belong to and which brand you have selected.

Mostly, Burrata made in the USA is formalized using pasteurized ingredients. Because according to FDA, all brands producing Cheese, curd, eggs, or other animal-based stuff should use pasteurized ingredients.

Burrata brands from other countries vary for pasteurization. However, formulation of Burrata with unpasteurized ingredients has more probability when it comes to talking about brands outside the USA.

Besides this, brands do not use raw milk either. These things raise questions about whether can you eat Burrata when pregnant.

Along with this, you should also know if Burrata is hard cheese?

Umm… Burrata is considered soft cheese. It contains moisture where foodborne parasites can easily survive.

But don’t worry! We have a way out. If you eat Burrata fulfilling some conditions, it will remain pregnancy safe.

How to Eat Burrata Cheese Safely While Pregnant?

So, can you eat Burrata when pregnant?



Here we are adding ways to safely let you have Burrata while pregnant without harming the baby or mother’s well-being.

1.   Pasteurized Ingredients:

Unfortunately, there are no rules or regulations approved by the authorities regarding using pasteurized ingredients, and it is up to the producers how they make Burrata cheese.

However, ensuring the pasteurization confirms Burrata to be pregnancy-safe. Therefore,

“Cream, milk, yogurt, and all other ingredients should be pasteurized to eat Burrata while pregnant.

2.   Made Using UHT Technology:

UHT stands for ultra-heat treated ingredients. Another condition that gives you a positive answer for can you eat Burrata when pregnant is if the ingredients are UHT.

The ultra-heating treatment ensures that all parasites like selaginella or listeria are removed. It provides that the cheese is safe to consume when expecting a baby.

3.   Burrata from the USA:

Although the authorities determine no rules regarding pasteurization, there has still been a trend in the producers of Burrata from the USA to use pasteurized ingredients.

However, you must have to confirm from the labels or websites of the Burrata brand that you are looking to buy to check what kind of formulation it contains.

4.   Confirm from Staff:

Can you eat Burrata when pregnant when eating out? When eating out and ordering Burrata cheese, the best thing is to ask the staff if they have used the UHT safe or disinfected ingredients.

You can let them know about your pregnancy period and concerns. They would definitely call the manager or chef to give you a good answer.

In the light of those answers, decide about can you eat Burrata when pregnant.

5.   Cooked Burrata:

However, if you are unsure about the answers given to you or the labels added by Burrata brands, but still contemplating whether I can eat Burrata while pregnant, here is a way out.

Cook Burrata cheese on a high flame to kill all the subjected parasites. You might be thinking that Burrata cheese is usually consumed fresh along with salads and fruit treats.

Cooking Burrata is not an issue at all; however, it might interrupt the taste.

6.   Pregnancy-Safe Burrata Brands:

Can you eat Burrata while pregnant without undermining the taste of cheese by cooking?

Well, when you don’t want to compromise on the taste, the only way out is to find some pregnancy-safe Burrata brands.

Talk to your friends, colleagues, or near and dear women who have safely gone through their expecting period. They will know about the pregnancy-safe Burrata brands for sure.

Some our recommended brands are:

  1. Lioni
  2. Deca & Otto
  3. Di Stefano
  4. Calabro
  5. Gioia
  6. Belgiogioso
  7. Vanata

These brands are known for using all pasteurized ingredients, including the main components such as cream, milk, yogurt, and other small elements.

Please note that we are not promotors of these brands but suggest them just because of the trust of mothers and pregnant ladies in them.

Now, you have enough information regarding can you eat Burrata when pregnant. However, the discussion doesn’t end here.

Even the pasteurized Burrata cheese can harvest foodborne parasites if they get old or stale. You must use Burrata cheese in a fresh form to ensure the safety of the baby and mother.

So, make sure to know for how long Burrata is safe to consume.

How long does Burrata cheese last?

The lasting capability of Burrata also varies. Here is what you need to know:

1.   When Burrata is Freshly Made:

Freshly made Burrata doesn’t last for long, so it is best to consume it as quickly as possible. The lasting period cannot be more than 48 hours.

Can you eat Burrata while pregnant? Yes! Eat freshly made Burrata within 48 hours.

2.   When Burrata is Commercially Made:

Commercially purchased cheese from pregnancy-safe Burrata brands can last up to the ‘use by date.’

It varies from one brand to another. However, make sure to store the remaining cheese pack in the refrigerator after using it.

Besides, you can freeze it to make it useable for a more extended period.

3.   When Burrata is from Delicatessen:

Can you eat Burrata when pregnant? Yes, but do not buy Burrata cheese from a deli without having protective packaging. The protective packaging ensures that no cross-contamination occurs in the formula.

These cheeses also come with an expiry date. However, you can ask the producer about its production time and use it accordingly for more information.

Is Burrata Healthy for Pregnant Women?

Yes! Burrata is a great source of calcium that all women need, especially during pregnancy and the mother-feed period.

Besides, it also contains vitamin A along with many other vita-nutrients. Based on this, Burrata makes a perfectly healthy choice for mothers (during the expecting or postpartum period).

However, before you decide can you eat Burrata while pregnant, make sure to check the ingredients to be pasteurized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the detail of the questions that we received at

Can you eat mozzarella when pregnant?

Yes!!!! Mozzarella cheese is considered universally safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers because it is a hard kind of cheese.

However, to be on the safer side, make sure it is produced by using pasteurized ingredients.

What cheeses can’t you eat, pregnant?

Cheeses that you should avoid while pregnant is a mold-ripened soft cheese that includes brie, camembert, or chevre.

Blue-veined cheeses, like Danish blue or gorgonzola, should also be avoided.

Why? Because the mold might contain parasites like listeria that can harm the fetus.


So, can you eat Burrata when pregnant? Yes! But you will have to take certain precautions like ensuring the pasteurized ingredients or made using UHT technology.

We hope the subject has been cleared now, and you can confidently decide under what conditions you can eat cheese while pregnant.


Last Updated on November 18, 2022