Hormonal issues in women can affect their physical health, mental well-being, and daily routine life. Therefore, it is necessary to consume foods that balance hormones in females.

Hormones are chemical messengers. Anyone with an unbalanced hormonal level would feel depressed, fatigued, and tired of things without reason.

Key Takeaways
  • Hormones are chemical messengers and their imbalance can cause serious health issues.
  • Women are more prone to hormonal imbalance and victim of mood swings, depression, and weight gain.
  • Foods enriched with fiber, fats, nuts, seeds, and carbs help regulating hormones in women and increasing women health.

Everything happening in your body is dependent on hormones such as growth, development, metabolism, and activity levels.

However, women are more prone to experience hormonal issues than men. Therefore, they are often seen more indulged in mood swings and physical health issues.

Therefore, balancing adrenaline, leptin, estrone, cortisol, and all the hormones in your body is mandatory.

How do you do it? Let’s find out:

How to Balance Hormones?

Balancing your hormones isn’t an overnight thing, but you will have to alter your lifestyle, including diet, activities, and overall happenings of your life.

However, the most important of all is the food. If you are not consuming the proper diet, you won’t feel like working out, you can experience mood swings, and always feel fatigued.

It means that food or diet will be the most critical component in balancing hormones. Now, the question occurs, what are some foods that balance hormones in females?

Here we are adding a list of 20 food items and groups for your help so you can plan your meals and work out to help the chemical messengers of your body to work correctly:

Foods that help with Hormonal Imbalance

Here are some most basic food items. You can find them in your kitchen and everywhere you go pretty quickly. However, do not consider these foods less beneficial because of their easy availability.

So, let’s start with the details without further ado:

1.     Greens

Vegetables are of many kinds, such as beans, peas, roots, etc. However, foods that balance hormones in females are leafy green vegetables. These include spinach, kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard.

All of them are super filled with antioxidants and reduce inflammation (a side effect of hormonal imbalance). What these greens will do is lower cholesterol levels and reduce stress.  

2.     Eggs

Eggs will help you balance insulin and ghrelin hormones. You will have more control over hunger, feel filled for a long, and get positive impacts on weight loss.

The imbalance of insulin and ghrelin can cause serious health issues in the body, such as increased weight and appetite.  Your body will store more fat in this regard.

Ghrelin is also known as the hunger hormone. This means that when you have increased levels, you might feel hungrier more often.

3.     Chicken Breast

Chicken breast comes among foods that balance anabolic hormones in females. Anabolic hormonal imbalance can disrupt muscle tissue repair.

Besides this, anabolic hormones are related to better sex drive and the health of male and female reproductive organs.

By consuming chicken breasts, you can enjoy better workout routines, be less fatigued after work-out, and faster recovery in case of some tissue damage.

4.     Fatty Fish

Fatty fish are marine species that come with oil in their tissues. These include lake trout, mackerels, wild-caught salmons, herrings, and sardines.

Oils found in the soft tissues of fatty fish keep you fuller for longer and bring you satiety. They also contain Vitamin D, which balances the female testosterone levels and controls symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and depression.

These also relate to hunger hormones and highly beneficial foods for females looking to lose weight by controlling their hunger levels.

5.     Cruciferous

Females can suffer from severe mood swings during PMS and can also experience bloating and cramps. Cruciferous vegetables will help treat the hormonal imbalance during PMS.

 Therefore cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and broccoli especially come under the foods that balance hormones in females.

These will also address the excess estrogen production in the body, causing weight gain and increased appetite issues.

Best Foods for Hormone Balance in Everyone

These days, processed foods and meals filled with contaminated items are causing hormonal issues even in kids and people of all ages, regardless of their genders.

Due to this, obesity has become an issue for everyone around us. This is happening due lack of food hygiene and depending more on processed foods.

However, to treat the issue, here are some foods that balance hormones in females and everyone from all age groups:

6.     Seeds

The increased estrogen levels in the body cause weight issues. Besides this, when there is a lack of melatonin production in the body, you can experience an unjust body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Seeds like quinoa are packed with gluten-free carbs, phosphorus, and magnesium. All these nutrients help in regulating sleep and stabilize blood sugar levels.

By doing so, it treats sleep apnea, anxiety, and PMS warning signs. If you call quinoa seeds the best food for hormonal balancing, that won’t be wrong.

7.     Wholegrains

If you feel much pain during your periods, then here is the solution for you. You should consume more foods like whole grains and regularly add them to your diet.

These are rich sources of fiber, vitamin B, and gluten-free carbs. These will not only balance hormones in your body but also help the healthy removal of used hormones.

Wholegrains include foods like brown rice and buckwheat and are foods that balance hormones in females and everyone.

8.     Fruits

Organic food is crammed with benefits, and fruits should be part of meals for everyone out there. However, not all fruits come on the list of hormone-regulating foods.

You can consume all fruits but depend more on cherries, strawberries, and pomegranates when balancing hormones. Strawberries are also among the hormone-regulating keto foods.

For depression, anxiety, and irregular sleep, cherries can balance the hormones as these help with melatonin and adrenalin production.

While pomegranates are known to work with issues like breast cancer, a type of cancer caused by sensitive hormonal issues. 

9.     Nuts

Thyroid issues are much more common among women these days. Nuts like Brazilian nuts can help you in this regard by regulating poly and monounsaturated fats in your body.

Walnuts and almonds cannot be ignored too, because they contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, omega 3, and help your overall endocrine system.

As a result, you feel happier, get rid of depression, can sleep better, feel insulin-resistant, and attain naturally glowing skin. You can consume them raw or add them to salads or smoothies.

10.  Fats

A lack of hormonal activity doesn’t just cause hormonal imbalance, but sometimes our bodies start producing more than required hormones resulting in issues.

The addition and removal of these chemical messages to and from the body are necessary for a balanced and healthful body.

High-quality natural fats can curb such issues. They make you feel content and satisfied and promote happy moods. You should add fat-containing foods that balance hormones in females.

Foods that Balance Hormones in Females

Hair loss, heavy periods, excess body hair, irregular periods, PMS pain, and in worst cases, infertility all such issues are caused by hormonal un-regulation, and women are more prone to them.

This is happening because women don’t pay much attention to what they are consuming on daily basis. Processed food items and a lack of healthy meals have worsened the issue.

Therefore, we need to switch to healthy and organic foods that balance hormones in females. Find below the best options:

11.  Avocados

If we call avocados women fruits, that won’t be wrong. They are shaped like women’s ovaries and help treat almost all types of issues in women.

Women suffering from infertility and PMS symptoms can take help by adding avocados to their meals. These are encapsulated with beta-sitosterol and theanine to help with ovulation and menstrual cycles.

These are enriched with magnesium to help with regular insulin sensitivity, weight gain, and appetite issues.

12.  High-Fiber Carbs

You need to consume more carbohydrates that are rich in fiber.

According to a study published at Harvard University: a risk of hormone sensitivity can cause breast cancer, and by consuming high-fiber carbs, the risk can be diminished.

Women are advised to add 25 to 30 grams of high-fiber carbs to their daily diet. What if you are on a keto diet? Here check how to eat on a keto diet according to the age chart.

Raw broccoli, cauliflower, peanuts, chickpeas, and a variety of beans can be a high source of fibrous carbohydrates.

13.  Unprocessed Meals

When you eat processed foods such as fried items and high-sugar drinks, you are at risk of hormonal imbalance as these affect the hormonal activity in your body.

According to experts, processed foods can cause inflammation and stress out adrenal glands, becoming a reason for weight gain, and causing issues in the gut health.

 Therefore, you should remove processed food items from your meals and depend more on organic meals such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy animal proteins, foods that balance hormones in females.

14.  Green Tea

Excess levels of cortisol cause stress as it is a stress hormone. Therefore, removing this from your body is necessary to balance mood swings.

Green is packed with theanine, a compound that helps regulate your body’s cortisol levels. Along with this, green tea also has antioxidants to fight against weight gain.

Try one cup or two cups of green tea every day. You can also try detox water in this regard.

15.  Fermented Foods

Your gut health plays a vital role in regulating the hormones in your body. Fermented foods are known to promote gut health.

Instead of depending on medicines and supplements, go to your kitchen and find yogurt, Yakult, kefir, or ACV. These fermented foods are great for your gut health.

Besides this, you can also drink kombucha on a regular basis. This will regulate the happy hormones in your body and help you with satiety.

Thyroid Hormone Regulating Foods for Everyone

Thyroid Hormone is beneficial, but when it is imbalanced, your overall health can be ruined. Therefore, you should consume foods that balance hormones in females, specifically thyroid hormones.

What are those foods? Find below:

16.  Seaweed

Iodine deficiency causes thyroid problems. To treat this, you should add seaweed to your meals. We have plenty of types of seaweed available here.

You can choose from nori, wakame, dulse, arame, Kombu, and hikiji, add them to your recipes, enjoy fuller meals, and help your body against the thyroid gland.

It will also diminish the risk of estrogen-dependent chronic health issues like breast cancer. It is an all in all food when it comes to balancing hormones.

17. Sweet Potato

Just like your gut health, your liver health is also associated with hormonal balance. Therefore, you should be adding liver health-increasing foods to your meals.

Sweet potato is one such food, and most women like them too. You can get enough vitamin B6 from a plate of sweet potatoes equivalent to spinach, turkey, and chicken. 

This will detoxify your liver and remove all the excess hormones causing issues in your body. By doing so, there will be enough room for health.

18. Lentils

If you don’t like meat or you don’t want to go with non-vegetarian sources of protein and fiber like chicken breast, here is the solution for you.

For all veg ladies looking for foods that balance hormones in females lentils are the gems for them. These will work best for you by lowering estrogen from your body.

You can also take help from sunflower seeds; with zinc, these will offer raised testosterone levels for a better sex drive.

19. Root Veggies

Do not forget to add root vegetables to your plate when looking for beneficial Food for Hormonal Imbalance because these are heaven.

With decadent amounts of fiber, high blood sugar levels will be balanced, while progesterone and estrogen levels will also be leveled.

Consuming carrots will help you get rid of estrogen dominance while fiber balances progesterone levels, helping you feel full.

20. Berries

For hormonal balance, snack on berries. You can munch on your favorite blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries, coming with great nutrients.

Vitamin C found in these berries will regulate the progesterone levels of your body, helping you during the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle.

They also come packed with specific vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients to regular your overall health.

Bottom Line

So, this was all about the foods that balance hormones in females. Do you have more questions or suggestions? Feel free to write to us and be a part of Look Broad Diet Hacks.
