Keto is one of the easy-to-follow diet plan available for free and is equally beneficial for men and women.
It is not just a matter of words, but real-life results of people who lost excess lbs. following a keto diet have proven keto to be the best weight loss plan if followed correctly.
- You can lose 50 pounds in just 3 months.
- On a keto diet alone, you can lose 50 lbs. in sixteen weeks.
- Powering up the production of ketones with intermittent fasting will help you lose weight in 90 days or 3 months only.
- You will follow a proper diet, moderate workout, and fast on off days.
But how long to lose 50 pounds on keto?
Well, the answer to this query is not that simple because Keto Weight Loss Timeline varies from one person to another.
Here is a detailed guide on how long to lose 50 pounds on keto and ways to follow a perfect keto diet plan to lose weight faster.
Let’s get started:
Keto Weight Loss Timeline
The Keto weight loss timeline is different for different people. Some people can take less time to lose weight on keto, while others take more.
Various factors count in this regard, including:
- Things included in your keto diet
- Your macros
- Healthy issues (if you have any)
- Regularity
- Consistency
Not all diet plans are worth following. However, even a proper keto diet plan cannot help if it doesn’t go well with your macros.
Health issues like PCOs, Reverse T3, famine effect, hormonal imbalance, and many other things count to determine keto weight loss timeline and answer how long to lose 50 pounds on keto.
Don’t worry; reading this guide until the end, you will find out the best tricks to lose 50 pounds in 3 months of keto and lose 50 pounds in 2 months of keto based on how eager you are to lose weight faster on keto.
How Long to Lose 50 Pounds on Keto?
First, losing 50 pounds is a lot of weight. You will have to be consistent and steady to achieve your goal of losing 50 pounds.
An interesting fact is, instead of asking someone how long to lose 50 lbs. on keto, you can determine the timeframe yourself. Why? Because it varies from one person to another.
Your activity level, how often you eat, and how much time you are ready to put into the weight loss journey, along with food sacrifices you can make, are the factors that will help you to determine your weight loss pace, timeline, or answer how long to lose 50 pounds on keto.
You also need to remember the face:
“The greatest challenge in losing weight is not how fast you are, but how consistent you are to keep it off.”
Let me give you an example:
Some people make small goals and feel happy losing 2 or 3 pounds a week. (Verily, it is a consistent approach to losing weight and keeping it off for long.)
- If you lose 2 pounds a week, it will take around 5 months or 25 weeks to lose 50 pounds on keto.
- In case you are able to lose 3 pounds a week, you can lose 50 lbs. in 16 weeks or 4 months.
“During this, you will need to readjust your energy requirements and decrease your calorie level after every 10 to 15 pounds lost in order to keep the weight loss pace at a consistent rate.”
However, we have seen real-life examples where people were able to lose 50 pounds in 3 months on keto. How had it been possible?
Scroll below and read the best ways to lose 50 pounds in 3 months or 2 months and determine your Keto weight loss timeline.
Ways to Lose 50 Pounds in 3 Months Keto
How long to lose 50 pounds on keto? 3 months! How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months on keto? Here is a complete guide:
Losing 7000 calories a week, or 1000 calories a day, helps you lose 2 pounds in a week when following a proper keto diet. Keto health experts suggest that losing more calories than 1000 in a day is an unrealistic approach.
So, does this mean it is not possible to lose 50 pounds in 3 months keto? No! Here are three steps to lose 50 pounds in 3 months on the keto diet.
1. Keto Egg Diet:
You will have to cut the carbs and add protein-rich items to your meals to lose fat without depriving yourself of energy. The keto egg diet is one most famous in this regard.
During this, you eat nothing but cheese, eggs, and butter (all three ingredients high in protein and low in carbs).
However, the having-only-eggs plan shouldn’t be followed for more than 3 to 5 days, or else it can cause nutrient deficiency and serious health issues.
Find ➔ How Many Eggs Someone Can Eat On Keto Diet?
2. Intermittent Fasting:
How long to lose 50 pounds on keto? Intermittent fasting will increase the pace of weight loss.
Intermittent fasting refers to dividing your day into eating and non-eating intervals. During this, you can eat protein-rich food and drink protein shakes for 8 hours.
For the rest of the 16 hours, you will eat or drink nothing and keep your body in a state of fasting. Through intermittent fasting, it will add to the weight loss.
You can lose 1.65 pounds weight through intermittent fasting.
3. Water Fasting:
Water fasting is another keto technique in which a person eats or drinks nothing except pure water. Some coffee, sugar-free tea, bone broth, or kombucha are allowed to consume.
On an 18-hour water fast, a person can lose around 2 pounds. After water fasting, you need to eat easy-to-digest food enriched with protein.
Find all about water fasting here.
4. Workout:
As you are eager to lose 50 pounds in 3 months keto, you should not forgo workouts and exercise.
When following a keto diet plan along with a proper workout, you can lose 10 or more pounds a week.
You don’t have to go with the hardest exercises; you just need to keep yourself physically active.
Cardio exercises like running, cycling, swimming, rope skipping, and Bicep curls are enough to burn excess calories. However, you will have to be consistent.
5. No Snacks:
How long to lose 50 pounds on keto? You will have to sacrifice snacks and cravings for two months of losing weight.
Soda, chips, and junk items are a no-no when you are eager to lose 50 pounds in three months keto. You can chomp on some healthy fruits rarely.
90 Day Keto Results:
Divide your week into the different routines to lose weight. Lose 50 pounds in 3 months keto.
- Start your week with a protein-rich egg diet
- The next day, follow a proper keto plan
- On the third day, go with intermittent fasting
- On the 4th day, go again with a keto diet
- On the 5th day, go with water fasting
- On the 6th-day keto diet
- On the 7th day, intermittent fasting
Don’t forget to perform a proper workout every day. By doing so, you can lose.
Ways to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months Keto
When you are eager to lose 50 pounds, you will have to cut more calories from your diet. You will have to be even stricter with your keto diet plan.
For instance, you did 2 days of intermittent fasting in 3 months weight loss plan; now, you need to go with 3 or 4 days of intermittent fasting.
By doing so, your keto weight loss timeline will become faster.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long to lose 70 pounds on keto?
9 months.
How long to lose 50 pounds on keto? For the safe side, it can take 6 months.
Nevertheless, we have seen 3 months of keto results where people shed 50 pounds.
The same goes with losing 70 pounds in a week.
On an easy diet, 9 months are enough, but through intermittent fasting, water fasting, and workout, you can accelerate to lose 70 pounds on keto.
2. How long to lose 50 pounds on Atkins?
It can take around 3 months to lose 50 pounds on Atkins. However, a woman who is a slow loser might take more than that.
When it comes to losing weight, many factors count, for instance, health conditions, macros, and steadiness.
3. How long to lose weight on keto?
On the keto diet, by giving up 1000 calories a day, you can lose around 2 pounds in a week. By decreasing the number of calories consumed per day, you can increase the pace of losing fat.
Our research on How long to lose 50 pounds on keto? We find that it varies from person to person. You can choose your pace from 6 months to 2 months.
- 6 months – for an easy keto diet
- 3 months – keto diet, intermittent fasting, workout, water fasting
- 2 months – keto diet, intermittent fasting, workout, water fasting, no snacks allowed
We have also added a proper diet plan to lose 50 pounds in 3 months keto and 2 months keto. If you have more queries in your mind, you can write us lookbroad.
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