It is vital to know how much does an Olympic bar weigh so you can determine your weightlifting capacity. It helps you achieve good PR and lets you make new Personal Records at the gym.

Using the same bars will not increase your stamina or ability to carry weight. However, knowing the Olympic bar weight becomes crucial if you like to be innovative and try lifting bars with variable weights at different locations.

Key Takeaways
  • Olympic bar weight ranges between 12 to 20 kg and 25 to 50 lbs.
  • Men Olympic bars are thicker than women Olympic bars.
  • The length of an Olympic bar can be 2.2 meters.
  • Adding plates with different weights can help you change the weight of the bar.

How does an Olympic bar weigh, does it vary, and why and how does it change are some of the critical queries all weightlifters (novice or pro) must know about it.

This guide covers the question from all aspects. At the end of the discussion, you will be able to determine and comprehend all about how much does an Olympic bar weigh and how it varies.

Here you go:

Olympic Bar Weight Guide

We have Different qualities of bars in the market and at the gyms. Some are cheap (in rates and other senses), while others are upscale bars.

When on weight training equipment, it is essential to know about the perfect dimensions of the bars before determining how much does an Olympic bar weigh.

Olympic Bars vs. Standard Bars

Olympic Bars: At the gym, you will find two types of bars, the Olympic ones, and the Standard ones. Olympic Bars 7 feet long with shafts of “52” inches in length can carry different lb. barbells.

Standard bars: You can also find these bars at the gym. However, they are cheaper and extend not more than 5 to 6 feet. 

Olympic bars are used by professionals, so their ends are high quality with thicker and heavier dimensions.  Comparing them with standard bars proves that Olympic bars are far more stable than the standard bars.

Do All Olympic Bars Weigh the Same?

No! They vary.

Olympic bars are high-quality steel and come with 2-inch thicker end rotating sleeves, making them higher quality than other standard bars. The sleeves are just 1-inch thick in standard barbells and don’t rotate.

FYI: What are Olympic sleeves? The ends of the bars that hold weight wheels or weight plates are called Olympic sleeves.

Olympic barbells are heavier than cheap standard bars because the quality of steel used in it is not up to the mark.

How much does an Olympic bar weigh vary?

The weight of different bars varies depending upon the material, manufacturing, and size.

  • Bars with high-quality steel will weigh heavier vs. the bars made with low-quality material.
  • Bars with rotating sleeves are heavier because they can carry hefty plates than bars with static sleeves.
  • All with this, size can also bring variations in weight.

How Much Does an Olympic Bar Weigh?

The weight of Olympic bars is heavier than standard bars but lower than powerlifting bars. Their quality is steel, and manufacturing standards are also top-lifted.

Here is the explanation:

  • Olympic bar weight:

Olympic bars’ weight varies in the range of 12 to 20 kg or 25 to 50 lbs.

  • Olympic bar thickness:

Men’s Olympic bars’ thickness can be around 28mm, while women’s Olympic bars are 25mm thick.

  • Olympic bars length:

The Olympic bar length is 2.2 meters (the weight varies depending upon the weight plates).

  • Olympic bars Material:

Olympic bars are made of metal, specifically steel, and it is often of high quality with rotating sleeves. However, the material can be aluminum or other.

This is the explanation for gyms. But for international competitions, the Olympic bar’s weight doesn’t vary.

So, how much does an Olympic bar weigh during international competitions?

International Weightlifting Federation or IWF has determined a specific weight for Olympic bars to be used in the competitions.

For men:

The Standard weight of Olympic bars for the competition is 20 kg or 44 lbs.

For women:

The Standard weight of Olympic bars for the competition is 15 kg or 33 lbs.

Standard weight can vary just a little, not much for the competitors for winning, losing, or making new PRs or PBs (Personal Records or Personal Bests).

This is not all; here is some more explanation on how much does an Olympic bar weigh so you can have a complete and good understanding:

How Much Does a Normal Bar Weigh?

The length and weight of Olympic bars are usually pre-determined, and manufacturers have to pay good attention to the standard size and weight of an Olympic bar.

However, different companies, brands, or manufacturers also offer cheap bars that are contrived without caring much about the standard length of weight.

Therefore, standard or cheap bars are available in different lengths and variable weights. Such as:

  • Cheap 7ft Olympic bar weight 35-45 lbs.
  • 6 foot Olympic bar weight 30-40 lbs.
  • 5-foot Olympic bar weight 25-35 lbs.

However, other than cheap quality barbells, some other bars are also available that are, although not Olympic bars but serve the best quality. However, their price can be a little higher.

All those who can afford standard Olympic bars can go with these medium-quality barbells, pricing between 150 to 300 dollars.

They will serve best when it comes to different fitness exercises, for instance, bicep curls or weightlifting.  

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are into entering into a fitness and exercise regime, knowing just about how much does an Olympic bar weigh is not enough. You should have a good idea about other available bars too.

Our FAQs section will help you comprehend these terms.

What is the difference between a powerlifting bar and an Olympic bar?

A powerlifting bar is slightly different in dimension, size, and weight from an Olympic bar. However, it is hard to grasp that it is not an Olympic bar at first glance.

Powerlifting bars are way thicker, slightly longer, and have different knurling patterns on the grippers. Due to intricate knurling, they are hard to grasp and can be unforgettable to twist compared to Olympic bars.

How much does an Olympic bar weight for women?

Women’s Olympic bars can weigh 33 lbs. or pounds!

There is not much difference in the standards of formation of these women’s bars; however, their size and design are more woman-friendly to be gripped easily by women lifters.

It is needed to know that you don’t get bars for women when it comes to powerlifting bars. Women have to use the same size and same standards bars as men.

How do I know if my barbell is 15kg or 20kg?

You can determine the barbell weight by looking at the loadable length available near the sleeves.

If it is a 15 Kg barbell, you will have a 12.5 inches loadable length. On the other hand, if you have 20 Kg barbell, the loadable length will be 16.5 inches.

You can also use a kitchen scale to find out the length of your barbell. However, it might be impossible to take and carry the kitchen scale on the floors at gyms.

How heavy is a barbell without weights kg?

When it comes to how much does an Olympic bar weigh, the answer is simple. The standard barbell used in Olympic competitions is around 20-kilo grams and 44 pounds.

Along with this, we have standard bars and powerlifter bars that can come in different weight standards. These vary in terms of price, quality, manufacturing standards, and brands.

What can I use instead of a weight bar?

You can use different items without handles when you don’t want to use weight bars. Including:

  • Protein or other supplements Tub
  • Water bottles, according to the weight requirement, Filled
  • Canned food supply
  • Bean bags, rice bags, or other hefty commodity bags
  • Pets
  • Pet supplies or pet food bags

It is up to you how innovative you are. You can go with anything that weighs equally with your requirement. Can you gather any more ideas? Please share with us in the comments below, as we love to hear from you.

Bottom Line

How much does an Olympic bar weigh? We hope you have mastered the weight of Olympic bars, weightlifting bars, and other standard bars available for exercise.

We not only discussed how much does an Olympic bar weigh but also the weight of other bars available for purchase. Here is an ending note for you:

As a beginner, when you start with the weightlifting exercises, it is better not to go for cheap bars because their weight can be highly different than the weight they claim.

Raise some money through saving and try buying up to the standard equipment. Also, when visiting the gyms, make sure to ask the trainer or other available person how much does an Olympic bar weigh here.

It is necessary to maintain your Fitness Records.


Last Updated on October 19, 2022