We often face certain medical conditions that may not ache or disturb our daily life but appear embarrassing and awkward, especially when people, a group of friends, colleagues, or relatives surround us. One such condition is Lip Twitching.

Key Takeaways
  • Lip twitching is caused by too much caffeine intake, alcohol abuse, potassium deficiency, and much more.
  • It is also associated with superstition and bad luck.
  • You should avoid the triggers like reducing or eliminating caffeine from your life to get rid of twitching.

It becomes even more uneasy for us when we are in a public place with no known person around, yet we feel eyes drawn to us as people paying attention due to the slight yet continuous lip tremors.

You can relate, right?

But why is it happening?

All questions like “What is lip trembling, what are you facing, or is there anything you could do to eliminate the embracement?

All questions will be answered ahead of, along with some most common lip-twitching myths.

Lip Twitching

What is Lip Twitching?

Medically known as Hemi-facial Spasms, it is the involuntary movement of lip muscles or muscles in the lips.

“We have several facial nerves that connect our facial muscles with the brain. Sometimes, a minor brain disorder or parathyroid condition can cause facial muscles spasms and make nerves around the mouth twitch.”

But what does it mean when your lip twitches?  Why is it happening with you or someone you love?

Well, Lips are independent of each other hence anyone can face one lip muscle spasm at one time, usually. You may face:

  • Bottom / Lower lip twitching
  • Upper lip twitching
  • Both lips twitching

1.     Lower / Bottom Lip Twitching

What is the Bottom Lip Tremor?

Known as lip quivering, lip trembling, or lip ticking because, in this condition, the right or left cells of your lower lip start flapping.

When your skin lips tremble from the right side, we call it bottom right lip-tingling, and when it happens on the left side, we call it bottom left lip twitching.

Why is my Bottom Lip Trembling?

Lip muscle spasm does not necessarily happens due to a reason; they can happen just like that. However, stress can be a trigger of it.

However, It has nothing to do with back luck so get rid of bottom lip twitching superstitions.

2.     Upper / Top Lip Twitching

In upper lip twitching, the lip of your top trembles from the right or left corners. This quivering is not also not harmful if it happens rarely.

Why is the top lip quivering? If you face it too often, it can be a reason for some underlying health issues.

3.     Both Lips Twitching

With age, the cells of your lips and the nerves of your face become weak, so often, for no reason, they start to tremble.

When it occurs in both lips, you may be facing a parathyroid condition, so get yourself checked by the doctor.

Now to the detailed causes of why my lips are Trembling, is it a sign of Bell’s palsy? Let’s discuss:

12 Lip Twitching Causes – Why are my Lips Twitching?

Some fundamental yet atypical behaviors can cause Lips to twitch. The lip muscle spasm causes can be as simple as:

1.     Too Much Caffeine

If you are a fan of tea, coffee, or smoking, your body will have more caffeine inside. The more caffeine you take, there are more chances you can face lip muscle spasms.

Why? Caffeine makes your cells more activated, and you may face a lack of sleep. This restlessness can result in lips trembling.

2.     Alcohol Abuse:

Drinking too much alcohol can make you prone to Hemifacial Spasms, let alone lip tingling.

Why? Alcohol abuse is one of the primary sources to initiate the spasm in the muscle or nerves around your lips, and you can face involuntary tingling.  

3.     Potassium Deficiency:

Potassium is a mineral naturally found in the body, and it is one of the necessary electrolytes to make your nerve impulse stronger.

If you don’t eat healthy food, low potassium levels in your system can cause spasms and cramps in your muscles.

As a result, you can face lip tremors.

4.     Hypocalcemia:

Hypocalcemia is another condition to causes facial tics and muscle spasms.  Hypocalcemia means a lack of calcium in your body.

Why? Calcium is the electricity your brain requires for proper nerve impulses. Lack of it can cause cramps, spasms, and involuntary muscle contraction, resulting in lips twitching.

5.     Hypoparathyroidism:

Hypoparathyroidism is another root cause of Hemifacial Spasms or lips spasms.

Why?  Hypoparathyroidism can cause calcium deficiency and hence cause lips tics in people of all ages. However, it happens in rare cases.

6.     Stress:

A body under constant pressure can tighten up the muscles around your body and facial area. As a result, involuntary muscle contraction.

Remember, extreme fatigue like stress and anxiety can cause lip tingling.

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7.     Nervousness:

Many people face specific lips quivering, or overall muscles around their face quiver when feeling nervous.

For example, facing a crowd, meeting someone for the first time, or asking for help can nervous a person and cause slight tics around their lips or eyes nerves.

8.     Certain Medications or Drugs:

Medications and drugs can also be a reason why your upper or lip twitch because they can cause muscle fatigue and muscle stress, and as a result, they would contract involuntarily and cause ticks in your lips.

9.     Trauma:

Trauma or shock can cause your lips to tremble. When our emotions get high, certain never impulses can occur due to this excitement and cause facial spasms.

10.  Facial Nerve Injury:

If you had an injury around your mouth or on some part of the face adjacent to the lip area, there are chances of having lip tremors afterward.

11.  Age:

With age, your nerves become weak, resulting in facial trembling around the eyes, lips, and even other body parts.

12.  22q11. 2 Deletion Syndrome:

22q11. 2 Deletion syndrome, also known as DiGeorge syndrome. It occurs with age and kids born with 22q11. 2 Deletion syndrome is missing some part of 22 chromosomes.

Along with other limitations, they can face lip twitching.

13.  Compression of the Artery:

If there is some compression on the artery around your lips, the muscles will contract to react to the pressure, and your lip will tremble a bit.

Lip Twitching Stroke

Can a Lip Twitching Stroke be a sign of a stroke?

Tingling lips are not always due to some issue but can happen in a routine. However, sometimes they can be related to certain deficiencies (as discussed above).

 But can it be a sign of a stroke? In most rare cases… Yes!

Experts suggest regular lip spasms can signify a mini-stroke such as a transient ischemic attack or TIA.

The leading cause behind such Lip Twitching Strokes is a disturbance in the blood flow of your body.

All with this,

“Is Lip Twitching or Trembling Is A Sign Of Bad Luck or Good Luck?

Lips Twitching Superstition

We have seen people being superstitious about the Upper or bottom lip trembling. Here we are discussing some of the most famous yet bogus lip tremor superstitions:

Right Upper Lip Twitching Superstition:

The right side of the body is usually considered a positive side, and that’s the reason most of the time our parents or elders ask us to do specific tasks like eating or writing with our right hands.

In the superstitious world, it is not any different.

Right Top Lip Twitching Is Considered A Sign Of Good Luck

  1. You will get so much money
  2. Improved relationships with family
  3. Finding someone good in your love life

Left Upper Lip Twitching Superstition:

If your top lip twitches from the left side, the superstitious world might not consider it a positive or good luck sign.

The myths related to top lip trembling from the left side are:

  1. You may face a monetary loss
  2. A fight with your family members
  3. Breakups

Right Lower Lip Twitching Superstition:

Lower Lip Twitching Superstitions are not any different from upper lip spasms superstitions as they are also considered a positive sign.

Superstitious say, your lip tremors can bring you good luck such as:

  1. You will get a travel opportunity. It can specifically be a trip where you will get money, such as a business trip
  2. Do not put money into gambling after your lower lip trembles because you will lose all your money.
  3. Loss in business

Left Bottom Lip Twitching Superstition:

If your bottom side lip faces muscle cramps on the left side, some myths related to that are:

  1. Someone will spread rumors against you to defame you or destroy your reputation
  2. Your best friend might leave you
  3. You may face hostility from unknowns

Both Lips Twitching Superstition:

Now, what if both of your lips have a quivering syndrome? Do superstitions say something about it? Of course, they do; they believe:

  1. You will make new friends
  2. A sign you might get sick in the coming days.

So, should we believe in the myths related to lip-tingling? No!!!!! These myths have nothing to do with reality. DO NOT BELIEVE In Lip Twitching Superstitions!”

Lip muscle spasms are not usually dangerous; however, it doesn’t mean you will have to leave it just like that.

Treating is mandatory, and if you face continuous cramps and contractions in your facial muscles, medical help becomes even more necessary.

How to Treat Hemifacial Spasms or Lip Twitching at Home?

Hemifacial Spasms are something that cannot be cured to the fullest. However, you can control their reoccurring by bringing minor changes to your lifestyle and taking a proper diet.

Here are some simple treatments for lips tremors discussed:

1.     Reduce Caffeine Intake:

If you take more than three cups of coffee, reduce them and instead drink something with no caffeine inside and a healthy option like juices or lemonades.

2.     Eat Potassium Enriched Foods:

The second thing to suggest is increasing the use of vegetables that will treat potassium deficiency.

Along with supplements, try to eat foods like broccoli and avoid medications that could be affecting your potassium levels.

3.     Reduce Alcohol Intake:

You will have to reduce alcohol use. For this, you can take medical help your simply alternating alcohol with some simple homemade sodas.

4.     Calcium Supplements:

After consultation with your doctor or an expert, certain supplements can be taken to treat hypocalcemia.

5.     Avoid Stress and Anxiety:

Get rid of the things causing stress and anxiety. If you have crowd fear or feel nervous in front of people, make sure to take psychological help.

Related: Can Anxiety Be Caused By Hormones

Final Words

Syndromes like lip twitching are not dangerous or worth worrying about. However, they can feel embarrassed when occurring more than often noticeable.

Help is available; all you need is to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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Have a healthful day! 


Last Updated on March 31, 2023