Refrigerated avocado turned brown is a common dilemma, but why does it happen when the refrigerator is supposed to preserve the crisp and keep the stuff garden-fresh?

Besides, how to keep avocado from turning brown in the fridge?

Well, this guide has it all.

Causes behind refrigerated avocados turning brown or if you can eat brown avocado. Along with this, we will also discuss details about avocados turning black and preventing tips.

Let’s start:

Brown Avocado

Avocado is a large berry in garden-fresh green-colored shell and light green pulp with a single pit in the middle. They are from America but are eaten all over the world.

In America, Avocados are fairly affordable, but they can be pretty expensive in the countries where imported. 

That’s the reason people buy them a lot when they see them selling at a reasonable price. However, we face an issue after some, i.e., refrigerated avocado turned brown …

But why refrigerated avocado turn brown? Here is what you need to know:

Refrigerated Avocado Turned Brown – Why?

Here are some causes behind Refrigerated avocado turned brown:

1.   It’s Natural:

If your refrigerated avocado has turned brown, don’t worry. You haven’t done anything wrong, but the process is natural. Just like apples and bananas, avocados also turn brown when come in contact with air.

2.   Avocado Oxidation:

The next thing that makes brown avocados is oxidation. When avocado oxidation happens, the oxygen in the air reacts with the pigment of the fruit and changes its color to brown.

3.   Enzymatic Browning:

Polyphenol oxidase is an activity that gives the fruit its fresh color. However, during enzymatic browning, these phenols from the fruit turn into quinones and lead to browning.

4.   Amino Acid Reactions:

Avocados are rich in amino acids. These amino acids react with the free radicals in the air and lead to discoloration, like the browning or blackening of avocados and other fruits.

5.   Avocado was too Overripe:

An overripe avocado will start getting brown faster. You will see brown spots on the avocado over time.

How Quickly Do Avocados Turn Brown?

Refrigerated avocado turned brown; how quickly can it happen? It varies from cut to uncut avocados.

Uncut Refrigerated Avocado:

An uncut avocado can stay green and fresh for 3 to 5 days. This is because the shell, the outer layer, or the peel, whatever you call it, acts as the safe covering for your avocados.

How Long Does Cut Avocado Last?

Conversely, a sliced avocado can quickly turn brown, such as within some hours.

Once the layer or peel is slashed, the slices will come in direct contact with oxygen, and the enzymatic browning process happens faster.

Can You Eat Brown Avocado From the Fridge?

Yes! Avocados turned brown are safe to eat, but you will have to know how long it has been gone browning. Because the longer it stays brown, the staler it might get.

Despite brown avocados being safe to consume still, you might feel a change in the taste. Avocado turned brown; this can have a bit bitter taste.

However, it is just due to the chemical process between the enzymes that refrigerated avocado turned brown. It doesn’t make avocado unhealthy or unsafe to consume or eat.

Here is a tip: if you feel uptight because of the texture, you can make some puree or gravy from it or make some shake from it to enjoy the health benefits of a refrigerated avocado turned brown.

How to Keep Avocado From Turning Brown in the Fridge?

Now, are there anyways available where we can keep refrigerated avocados from turning brown? Yes, here are some ways:

1.   Save at Room Temperature:

At room temperature, avocados can last for several days. So, when it comes to keeping the fruit from changing its color, it is best to store it in some dark place.

2.    Store in Plastic Wrap:

Refrigerated avocado turned brown? Here is how you store them. Plastic wraps conceal the contact of fruit’s direct contact with the air, and the oxidation process gets slowed down. Refrigerated avocados turned brown? No more plastic wraps.

3.   Sprinkle Some Lime Juice:

Lime juice has acidic properties that make oxidation reactions unreactive. You can sprinkle some lime juice on the avocado slices to keep them from turning brown.

It will not just save the fresh green color of your fruit but will also increase its taste.

4.   Store with Lemons:

If you don’t like the sour taste of lime juice, here is another remedy for you to keep refrigerated avocado from turning brown.

Cut lemons into half and place them along with your avocado slices. The starch and acidity in the lemons will converse the oxidation attacks will keep pieces green for a long.

5.   Store Them in Airtight Containers:

Using this remedy, you can solve the issue of refrigerated avocado turned brown. To keep avocados, sliced or raw, fresh for the most extended period, save them in airtight containers.

These containers are readily available everywhere. You can buy them online or from any store near you. These will help with avocados but any fruit from changing its color.

Will Vinegar Keep Avocado From Turning Brown?

Yes! Vinegar keeps avocados from turning brown. There are several types of vinegar available. Some are culinary, while some are used for cleaning purposes, for instance, rice vinegar vs. white wine vinegar.

They also vary in taste; some are highly acidic and tarty, while others are less. So, the best is rice vinegar to store your avocado from turning brown as it is a bit sweet and mildly sour.

However, when sprinkling vinegar on the avocados, keep the quantity moderate, so it doesn’t overpower or undermine the taste when you are coping with refrigerated avocado turned brown. 

How to Keep Avocado From Turning Brown Once Cut?

To keep avocado slices from turning brown for a little extended period, follow these instructions:

Things you Need:

  • 2 tsp. Lime or lemon juice, or vinegar (for one cup of avocado slices)
  • A brush
  • An airtight bag or container

Method to Help “Sliced Avocado Turned Brown”:

  • Cut slices of avocado
  • Now apply the liquid (lemon, lime juice, or vinegar) using the brush on the slices
  • Put them in the airtight container and store them anywhere (even in the fridge)

Congrats, you have successfully dealt with the issue of refrigerated avocado turned brown.

How to Keep Avocado Puree From Turning Brown?

There are two ways to keep avocado puree from turning brown; scroll below to find out:

6.   Freezing the Puree:

You can freeze the puree for this:

  • Stir one tbsp. fresh lemon juice into the puree
  • Add in ice cubes maker container

7.   Refrigerating the Puree:

To keep avocado puree from turning brown without freezing, here is what you need to do:

  • Put the puree in the container
  • spread some lime or lemon juice on the top

Frequently Asked Questions

The discussion doesn’t end here. Here are FAQs without which the debate on refrigerated avocado turned brown will remain incomplete:

When is avocado bad?

As refrigerated avocado that has turned brown isn’t bad. So how to know when an avocado has turned brown?

The older an avocado will get, the worst it can become. Here are some signs that show Avocado is bad and unhealthy to eat:

  • It can be mushy or too soft when squeezed that juice is pulping out
  • You can see a layer or a cloud of mold built on the surface.
  • They have developed rancidity (they have a foul smell).

The best thing is that you can cut off the mushy or smelly part from the avocado, and the rest will be safe to eat.

Why avocado turn black?

The causes of avocado turned black are the same as the causes of refrigerated avocado turned brown: oxidation, enzymatic browning, amino acid reactions, etc.

However, before the avocado becomes black, it turns brown. While brown, it is good to eat; however, it is completely decayed and not uneatable when it turns black.

Why does my avocado have black spots?

We have discussed the reasons behind refrigerated avocado turned brown. However, the causes of black spots are different such as:

  • Avocado has been exposed too long to cold temperatures
  • Excessive handling
  • Compression

These spots are seen in the pulp only. However, if you, unluckily, buy an avocado with spots, don’t worry. Just cut the stale part, and the rest is safe to eat.  

How to keep avocado from turning black?

There is no way to keep avocados from turning black. Once the decaying procedure starts, it is never going back.

The best thing is to consume the avocado once it starts turning brown. Even a refrigerated avocado turned brown is safe to eat. Don’t store or wait for it to get black.

Bottom Line

Here our guide on refrigerated avocado turned brown comes to an end. For more exciting information, check out FYI by Look Broad.

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Last Updated on September 14, 2022