You must have often wondered that despite having a skinny figure, your mobile camera takes your pictures with such a big face, and you end up asking yourself, Why is My Face Fat But I’m Skinny?

One thing you will have to understand here is that face fat isn’t related to cute chubby cheeks only. The face is fat when certain areas seem more prominent than they used to be, especially around the jaws, chin, and neck.

But the question is still there, Why Is My Face Fat But I’m Skinny, and how to lose face fat?

Key Takeaways

If you are going through the issue of face fat while your body is skinny, it means:

  • You have started to put on weight that’s making lumps on your skin, making your face look fat.
  • Genetics or hormonal factors can also make your face look fat while you are skinny.

If you have a square or oval face shape, your face shape will appear more prominent than usual in the cameras.

This guide has it all. You will learn everything about your bloated face, symptoms, causes, and ways to lose facial fat at home using simple steps.

So, here you go:

Why is My Face Fat But I’m Skinny?

You might be wrong in thinking that only your face is getting fat and your body is skinny. Face fat can be the first-ever symptom of overall fat gain.

However, there can be different causes behind your fat face. What are those? Let’s check in the lines coming ahead:

1.   Weight Gain:

First and foremost, the reason behind face bloating is that you are gaining weight. It might not be visible on the other parts of your body yet. However, you are getting fatter.

It will slowly and gradually start appearing on your neck and love handles, and you might experience belly fat.

Overall, weight gain that’s adding to your face fat can be due to various reasons, primarily because of the food you are eating.

2.   Genetics:

You might have inherited a chubby face structure from your ancestors because some people naturally have a more fat face than others.

Studies have revealed that genetics can play a role in fat distribution on the face. Genetically looking fat from the face isn’t just about the face, as some people have chubby bodies in their family that they can easily inherit.

Genetics plays a minor role here. If you have a skinny body overall, there are fewer chances of facial fat here, even due to genetics.

3.   Hormonal Factors:

Do hormones cause face fat? Yes!

Our body releases certain hormones that can add up to facial fat. One such hormone is cortisol which plays a significant role in creating moon face syndrome, and the face looks fatter and rounder.

Face fat gain due to hormone-releasing is known as hyperadrenocorticism or hypercortisolism.

Hormones that thyroid glands release can also cause facial fat gain.

4.   Stress:

Stress can also be one of the causes behind your question, Why Is My Face Getting Fat but Not My Body.

How does stress add to it?

When stressed out, the release of excessive cortisol hormone becomes certain. Your body is actually trying to fight against the impending dangers or alert you about the problem.

This release can result in a puffy face or bloated face start, double chin on the second, and later appear like an excessive weight on the lower body, particularly the belly and love handles.

5.   Wrong Eating Habits:

If you are more interested in eating junk food that’s high in bad fats and carbs, there are more chances for you to gain face fat than the others.

Even if your overall calorie intake is not more than you require, continuous use of junk food, smoking, and drinking alcohol can result in face fat or facial chubbiness.

If you eat too much salt, you can see a visible weight gain in your facial area.

Why is My Face Getting Fat but Not My Body?

Some more reasons that your body appears to be slim yet your face looks fat can be:

6.   Less Active Lifestyle:

Being a couch potato means you fuel the fire of face fat gain. People who are prone to mostly sleeping and lying, watching TV, their body stops making glucose and disturbs the overall muscles of the body.

Facial muscles are also disturbed during the process and start appearing bigger than before, especially around the jowls. Your skin starts to appear saggy and thin. The sagginess at first appearance looks like a face fat.

7.   Wrong Posture:

The wrong posture of sitting, lying, or working is a cherry on the cake of your facial fat gain.

If you keep your head too down while using your cellphone or have the wrong working posture, the muscles around your neck and cheeks will start to sag and appear more prominent.

As a result, your face will look bigger and fatter.

8.   Aging:

Aging can also be a factor in your query Why Is My Face Getting Fat but Not My Body. With age, the skin around the jowls and the general facial area becomes thin and saggy.

This sagginess makes your face appear bigger than it used to be.

Is it possible to slim down your face fat caused by aging? Yes! It is; scroll down to know the ways.

9.   Overall Bone Structure:

Your face shape plays a role in making your face appear fat or chubby. For instance, the face of people with a perfect V shape will appear less plump even after gaining fat.

On the other hand, for those who have round or square bone structures, their face appears bigger even if they don’t have fat around it.

10.   Steroid Treatment:

Certain creams have steroids in them. These steroids can cause facial muscles to melt and appear saggy, and as a result, the face appears bigger and chubbier.

Besides that, supplements might also contain harmful steroids from the wrong brands and add to your facial bloating. You should always get a trusted dealer to get supplements with no harmful additives but natural ingredients.

11.   Underlying Health Issues:

If you see continuous facial bloating gradually increasing, it can be due to underlying health issues—conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome, tumors, or adrenal gland diseases.

You are advised to see a doctor immediately if you have any of these conditions staying with you for long.

 Before you start with the ways to get rid of face fat faster, here is what you need to know

Chubby vs. Fat

There is a vast difference between chubby faces and fat faces. A chubby face looks fresh and cute, while a fat face appears bloated, tired, and saggy.

Now to the solution:

How to Lose Face Fat in a Week?

Losing facial fat is much easier than shedding stubborn weight from your overall body. However, knowing perfect ways to lose face fat is mandatory.

So one week is enough. You can see a visible difference in the face fat within a week after following the correct tips:

1.   Adopt an Active Lifestyle:

 Cut down salts and sugar while adding more vegetables and fruits to your overall diet. Vegetables increase collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and help you get rid of skin sagginess.

As a result, you see a visible reduction in the fat around your jowls, cheeks, and neck.

2.   Face Exercises to Lose Fat:

Face yoga has so many poses, and you find plenty of easy-to-do Face Exercises to Lose Fat for fitness at home. Some recommended face exercises to lose fat are:

  • Lowering the cheeks and pout your mouth as you are sucking for 3 minutes and repeat 20 times
  • Look up and keep backing your head till you see stress in the muscles, massage stretched part with your hands 5 times, and repeat 20 times.
  • Smile with your jaws all pulled towards your ear for 3 seconds and repeat 25 times.
  • Place your tongue under the roof of your mouth and push hard for 2 seconds; repeat 20 times daily.

3.   Correct Posture:

You need to correct your sitting posture and keep your head a distance from the device you are using. You can find posture corrector belts in this regard.

Choose a thin pillow while sleeping so that your neck doesn’t fold while you sleep. Use cell phones by keeping them up instead bowing your head down.

4.   Smile More Often:

Smile is excellent therapy. Almost all muscles of the face stretch during this. With this, the elasticity of the skin increases, and more elasticity means less fat around your skin.

5.   Avoid Stress:

Avoid all the stress-causing factors so you don’t have to ask, Why Is My Face Getting Fat but Not My Body.

Try to keep yourself happy and busy. Spend time in a company you love and give less time to your head to think about stressful events.

6.   Chew Gum:

Chewing gum is a great yet simple exercise to slim your face faster. Try to choose sugar-free and medically approved gums. Chew them while you are working to get rid of facial bloating.

7.   Face Slimming Masks:

All with this, if you see so much sagginess in your cheeks, around the jaws, or an excessive neck fact. Face slimming masks can help you get rid of this fat. These masks are easy to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some answers to your queries that you sent us:

Why is one side of my face fatter?

This asymmetry can be due to an injury, bad smoking habits, or aging. Other factors might also contribute to this condition. Mild fatness on one side is okay, but severe can be due to underlying health issues.

Why is my face bloated?

Face bloating can be a result of dry skin that happens because of less water intake and more drinking of sugary syrups. You will have to cut down on sugar and salt and adopt an active lifestyle to get rid of face bloating.

How long does it take to lose face fat?

Getting rid of face fat is relatively easier, and you can expect to lose about 0.5-1% of face fat a week with the right and proper measures.

Why do I have a double chin when I’m skinny?

If you are not fat but skinny and still your chin looks double, it can be due to genetics, bad eating habits, an inactive lifestyle, and wrong body postures.

Is my face fat or just round?

The round shape appears to be a fat face shape. However, if you feel like the skin on your jawline is thin and getting saggy, that can be face fat. 

What is moon face?

Bloated jaws make your face appear like the moon. This condition is known as Moon Face.

It happens when you take steroids more than often. Moon face can also occur due to underlying health issues such as Cushing’s syndrome.

Why is my face puffy in the morning?

It is normal to have a puffy face in the morning because it can happen due to overnight fluid retention. When you wash your face or start doing your activities, the puffiness will disappear.

Bottom Line

This was all about Why is My Face Fat but I’m Skinny causes and treatments. If you have more queries in your mind, do share them with us.  

Have a healthy life!


Last Updated on October 19, 2022