Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You!!! Your friend gave you a suggestion, but you are still unsure and deliberating, “if I don’t text him, will he miss me,” or “do guys notice when you stop texting them?”

Key Takeaways

The psychology of texting varies person-wise. All people aren’t the same when it comes to writing a message or replying to it.


  • Spoofing a guy with tricks like Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You might make him lose interest in you forever, especially when you stop texting him without any specific reason (fight or arguments).
  • It is one of the absurd ways to impress a person you are into… ignoring someone isn’t a solution, whether it comes to a girl or a guy.

Texting is the most convenient communication method because every person has time to think about what to write or reply to.

However, the problem occurs when during relationships, you feel that despite texting, there is something wrong; the situation can even worsen when you are a woman and read formulas like “Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You.

But is that even true?

Let’s see what “Psychology of texting a guy says about this and find out how many women went successful by using the Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You trick.

Psychology of Texting a Guy

The psychology of texting varies person-wise. As all women aren’t the same when it comes to writing a message or replying to it, it goes the same for the opposite gender.

However, one thing is sure: men want attention, and if you make him believe that he is your life’s first and foremost priority, he is never going anywhere.

But… It is not that simple.

Now, what does that even mean?

Well, men do like attention, but they will lose interest after discovering they have explored you… you will have to keep the “inquisitiveness” evoked to keep him interested.

It isn’t simple, but not even impossible, to make him fall for you over text. You only need to know exactly “what to say to your crush over text.” 😉

Don’t text him and he will text you – Wrong!!!

So, according to the psychology of texting a guy, does this work, or is it just a hoax?

Well, unfortunately, it isn’t ‘the formula’ of making a guy want you more over texts.

Spoofing a guy with tricks like Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You might make him lose interest in you forever, especially when you stop texting him without any specific reason (fight or arguments).

Suppose you had the best night yesterday, but in the morning, you stopped texting him to get his attention… If he is mature, he might confront and ask you what’s cooking.

However, if he is also yet unsure about the relationship, he can choose to ignore you despite searching for things like “signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you.’

Why are we saying this? Because there are some real-life pieces of evidence we found about Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You:

1.    I stopped texting him and haven’t heard from him – reported…

A girl reported on Whisper that she stopped texting a guy just to check his interest but didn’t get any response from him ever since.

Well, it is one of the absurd ways to impress a person you are into… ignoring someone isn’t a solution whether it comes to a girl or guy.

Even if he is looking to build a strong relationship with you, a guy might not write you back because there are thousands of things that can be reported when you try to contemplate ‘what he thinks when you don’t text him back.’ Such as:

  • She is not interested
  • She is a self-centered B**itch
  • I don’t meet her standards
  • She is into someone else

All these four things can make him stop contacting you forever…

2.    I stopped texting him, and he didn’t care…

On the other hand, after using the stupid Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You trick, a woman will end up thinking he doesn’t care.

Such attitude doesn’t mean that he didn’t care about you, but it can simply mean that he found you unavailable or uninterested.

You might see him chilling around you and consider that he is careless and doesn’t want a serious relationship. However, it might not be accurate.

Men and women are different. Women ponder on one thing for too long and overthink a guy for an extended period, at least until they find something else, more interesting, to do.

Contrarily, men don’t overthink a situation for more than a day, especially when they have not committed anything with you or you two are not in a relationship.

After one or two days, consider the guy has moved on.

Does this mean you have lost him forever?

Nope. Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You doesn’t work, but you can somehow get his attention using some tricks.

What are those? Read below:

Stop texting him to get his attention – Yes, but how?

If you have already unveiled how desperate you are, it is time to change how you talk to that guy. Guys have thousands of tricks on how to tease a girl via text, but it is time that they sink into their pits.

What will you do?

3.     Just one message until he replies

You shouldn’t be sending multiple messages for his one reply. Even if it isn’t a big deal to you, as you are mature enough, it is kind of bro code that if a girl is sending you multiple texts in a row, she is desperate for you, and you are a macho man. 

4.     Talk to him in his tone

Women are over-thinkers, no doubt. But we have always taken this trait into account as something negative. However, the super perk of this thing is that you can configure the next person’s mood through texts. So, try to text him in his tone: to the point and kosher.

More to come: “don’t Text Him and He Will Text You.

5.     Intrigue curiosity 

Never let him know all the details but keep him intrigued. Because he doesn’t want to show that he is so interested in you, he won’t ask any questions; still, the curiosity bulging up inside him will make him keep texting and replying to you.

6.     Look happening

Always show your life as the most interesting even if he isn’t out. It isn’t correct??? Com’on, girl, we are just showing it. Men like women full of life and always on the go, with their friends (female ones). It informs that you are into any guy and you are not easy to be taken, as your life is already filled with joy.

7.     Go playful

Being playful and flirtatious isn’t always about sending dirty messages or nu***, but you can kindle the sensual tension. All you have to do is play safe. Give him all the hints that you are all okay if he is hitting on you. If he is your boyfriend, let him explore things while keeping him in an intense thirst to discover more.

8.    Stop texting first, and you’ll see the difference

Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You. Wrong! But stop being the one who always sends the first message. Don’t text him first; after all the fire you have kindled, he won’t be able to resist messaging or talking to you cause you have already given him all the hints.

9.     Should I stop texting him?

Not at all. To bulge up the emotional damage (in the tone of the meme guy), you don’t have to stop writing to him completely. However, you can slow down the messaging pace to know how interested he is in you.

After that, if you see the following signs, stop texting him.

Signs he wants you to stop texting him

Men can be complicated. But these signs will help you understand if Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You trick will work on him or not:

  1. You don’t see him interested in texts
  2. He takes too long to reply to your messages
  3. He forgets the details you were talking about
  4. He always looks impeccable when he doesn’t text you.
  5. He is always making excuses when you try to confront him.
  6. He freezes out after he sees you so much interested

The discussion isn’t over yet. Here is what you should know more on Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You:


You sent us these questions at

If I don’t text him, will he miss me?

If he really cares, he surely will; otherwise, you should immediately stop investing your feelings in him. If a guy is so affectionate and caring yet takes time to say it, you can judge him by stopping texting him.

However, please don’t do it at once; slow down the pace gradually. If he starts texting you more, he surely has missed you.

Do guys notice when you stop texting them?

Of course, they do. However, they rarely show it in a try to come up as the cool dude.

Does not texting a guy back make him want you more?

No! Not texting back doesn’t make him want you more. When you do it for no reason, they might consider you immature and stop seeing you anymore.

Bottom Line

Don’t Text Him and He Will Text You; the discussion ends. The conclusion is that it is not easy to seek a guy’s interest. You got to be tricky and playful. We have added the best tips to help you get his attention. Keep visiting us for more information.


Last Updated on November 21, 2022