Why do you need to know How to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements? You don’t even think you have higher estrogen levels, right?

Do you always feel tired and exhausted, and the weight of your body is increasing drastically despite having the same activity levels and food schedules?

You are under continuous stress due to this weight gain, leading to headaches, and you are continuously craving sweet and sugary items, right?

Key Takeaways
  • The estrogen dominance signs include weight gain, leading to headaches, and continuous cravings for sweet and sugary items.
  • Before choosing estrogen dominance-reducing supplements, you must research the root cause of estrogen dominance in your body.
  • Fat, stress, and some medications can increase estrogen levels in the human body.
  • To lower estrogen levels in your body, it is best to use herbal estrogen blockers.

Well, these are the signs of estrogen dominance in your body, a hormone that has an impactful role in women’s health. But that doesn’t mean higher estrogen levels will not affect men’s health.

Regardless of your gender, it would be best to take immediate action against estrogen dominance in your body immediately with the help of natural estrogen blockers.

You will see many health issues you are facing will be solved just like that, without further effort.

How to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements?

How to get rid of excess estrogen? Estrogen detox supplement plays a key role here.

However, when it comes to choosing supplements to reduce estrogen dominance, you must know about the root cause of estrogen dominance in your body.

Fat, stress, and some medications can increase estrogen levels in the human body. Therefore, in order to lower estrogen levels in your body, it is best to go with herbal estrogen blockers.

Here are ways you need to know on How to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements:

1.   Magnesium Promotes Healthy Estrogen:

Magnesium is one of the key minerals to treat hormonal imbalance and estrogen dominance. Though you can easily find magnesium supplements for estrogen dominance nothing can beat if you increase magnesium levels in your body via the food you eat.

It has been that many even best supplements for estrogen dominance can cause hormonal imbalance in the long run. Therefore, you should depend on natural estrogen blocker foods.

You must increase your consumption of dark leafy greens vegetables. Don’t forget to add seeds like flax, pumpkin, and chia to your regular diet.

You can also go with legumes, lentils, chickpeas, and black beans as they have plenty of magnesium too. Go with avocados (the perfect elixir for women’s health) and dark chocolate for snacks.

If you want to take supplements for estrogen dominance, Magnesium citrate and BioEmblem’s Triple Magnesium Complex are considered the best supplements to block estrogen.

2.   DIM Supplement for Estrogen Dominance:

DIM is the abbreviation for diindolylmethane, a perfect supplement to maintain estrogen levels in your body. It balances the estrogen in your body by producing good estrogen and diminishing bad estrogen production.

To balance the hormonal level in your body, you need to eat plenty of (around 2 pounds) cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts that contain DIM nutrients to block estrogen dominance.

How long to take dim for estrogen dominance? You need to eat DIM-enriched foods or supplements for around 30 days to balance estrogen levels in your body.

Regarding how to lower estrogen levels with supplements, DIM supplements are also available in the market, and SM Nutrition DIM + BioPerine Supplement is most recommended in this regard.

3.   Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Omega 7 for Estrogen:

Omega 7 is monounsaturated fatty acid while omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, both are anti-inflammatory and support balanced hormonal production, including estrogen.

Our body doesn’t produce omega 3 or omega 7 fatty acids hence we need to obtain them from foods or through supplements.

For omega and fatty acids, you should eat foods like eggs, walnuts, flax seeds, oily fish, and leafy green vegetables. You can also go on a 28-day egg diet to increase the healthy production of estrogen and get rid of fats.

Fish oil supplements like GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil Mini are considered best in this regard. On the other hand, if you want vegan supplements DEVA Vegan Omega-3 DHA-EPA can be consumed.

4.   Vitamins That Lower Estrogen:

All 9 Vitamins from the B group and vitamin D3 are perfect to treat hormonal imbalance in human bodies, especially in women. Vitamin b6 is also considered in this regard to increase progesterone production and treat estrogen dominance.

You should add leafy greens vegetables like spinach, kale, collard greens, and even romaine lettuce in your meals as these are the foods high in these vitamins.

Along with this beans, seeds like sunflower, seafood like trout, clams, mussels, oysters, organ meat like beef, turkey, chicken, and dairy including milk, yogurt should also be part of your food to decrease the estrogen level in your body.

For vitamin D3, sit in the sun during winters and use fish oil supplements like GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil Mini.

Vitamin B supplements like Pure Encapsulations P5P 50 are considered best in this regard if you want to lower estrogen levels with supplements.

5.   Calcium D-Glucarate for Estrogen Dominance:

Calcium D-Glucarate combines calcium with glucaric acid. It is a kind of salt that the human body produces and can also be obtained through a healthy diet and supplements.

This salt slows down the actions of beta-glucuronidase and blocks the absorption of estrogen in the human body. Along with this, it also eliminates the excess estrogen levels. In other words, it not just blocks estrogen production but also balances the hormonal level in the long run.

You should add items like apples, Brussels sprouts, bean sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage to your daily diet to obtain Calcium D-glucarate salt.

Besides how to lower estrogen levels with supplements, you can use calcium d-glucarate supplements including source naturals calcium d-glucarate, thorne research – calcium d-glucarate , and emerita dim formula with calcium d-glucarate.

6.   Probiotics for Estrogen Dominance:

Probiotics are obtained from healthy bacteria that are specially used to promote gut health. They help in restoring the balance between good and bad bacteria by diminishing the production of toxic bacteria in the human body. By doing so, excess estrogen is broken down and absorbed.  

These probiotics are naturally present in the human body but their production can be accelerated using foods like sauerkraut, kimchee, miso, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha. Mozzarella cheese is also considered healthy probiotic food.

FYI: Kombucha is yeast and Kombucha is considered best to maintain hormonal levels.

Align Extra Strength, Bio-Kult, and NOW Probiotic-10 25 Billion are considered the best add-ons to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements.

7.   Liver-Enhancing Supplements for Estrogen Dominance:

The liver problem can be the common cause of hormonal imbalance including production of the excess estrogen in the human body. Therefore, a healthy liver will ensure balanced estrogen levels.

Food items rich in vitamin C are considered best when it comes to promoting liver health. Therefore, you are advised to add oranges and strawberries in your keto diet.

Besides this, turmeric, milk thistle, organ meats, and vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach should also be a part of your daily food menu.

Supplements to enhance liver health and block estrogen can also be taken in this regard so you can take vitamin C, and alpha-lipoic acid.

8.   Zinc and Estrogen Dominance:

Zinc works by increasing progesterone levels in your body in order to maintain and block the increased estrogen in the body. Doing so, it brings hormones to a healthy level and treats health issues.

Red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, and seafood like crab and lobsters are filled with zinc nutrients, and adding them to the menu of your daily diet, will maintain the levels. However, if you follow a special diet structure, such as the keto diet, make sure to know what nuts can you eat on the keto diet.

Along with this, you can use zinc ad folic acid supplements. Some best estrogen supplements are Thorne Research Zinc Picolinate and Nature’s Way Zinc Lozenges.

9.   Resveratrol:

When it comes to herbal zinc supplements, Resveratrol is something you should consider. It is an antioxidant plant compound. There are enzymes in your body that are known as aromatase enzymes. These enzymes can convert testosterone into estrogen and decrease the sexual drive in males.

Resveratrol acts against such enzymes and stops them from misbalancing testosterone and estrogen levels in the body.

Resveratrol can be obtained from grapes, grape juices, peanuts, cocoa, blueberries, bilberries, and cranberries.

How to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements? You can take Resveratrol supplements like Nuzena Resveratrol Rapid to maintain estrogen levels.

10.   Amino Acids:

Amino acids like taurine are perfect estrogen blockers and they can be obtained from meats only. You cannot find taurine in botanical or vegan foods. Taurine works by forming the bile acids in the liver and helps in balancing hormones including estrogen.

It detoxifies the gut and liver and removes toxins from the body causing hormonal imbalance. Taurine is available in meat, fish, and dairy products.

Taurine supplements to lower estrogen levels are also available such as Solgar Taurine Supplements, L-Taurine Fat Loss Supplement, and Primaforce Taurine Supplements.

Natural Supplements to Reduce Estrogen Dominance

It is not necessary that you go with lab-made supplements when it comes to How to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements. Natural supplements are also available in this regard. Here are some natural estrogen blockers you can add to your daily food:

11.   Turmeric:

Turmeric is also great for gut health as well as your liver. Whenever cooking food, add half a teaspoon or a pinch of turmeric to it.

It will not just enhance the taste of your food items but will also promote healthy estrogen products.

12.   Golden Milk:

Milk thistle is also known as golden milk or Mary thistle is a natural herbal supplement to treat liver health and other gut disorders.

In the long run, it maintains the healthy production of estrogen levels and blocks excessive production of this hormone. You should add milk thistle as a natural estrogen supplement to your food.

13.   Move to Veggies:

You have plenty of options to eat in a natural way to support estrogen levels and decrease them. these include leafy green vegetables like spinach and mustard. Along with this, you can eat nuts and seeds such as flax seeds and chia seeds.

Vegetables like pumpkin and legumes are also considered Natural estrogen supplements to maintain the healthy estrogen levels in your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions that you send us. here are answers to those queries:

1.   How do I stop producing too much estrogen?

Lower activity is the root cause behind your higher estrogen level because when you don’t remain active the brain goes overthinking and brings depressive thoughts. Stress is also what causes estrogen production.

Therefore, you are advised to bring changes in your lifestyle. Along with eating healthy food and lowering estrogen levels naturally you also have to perform some exercise.

2.   Does magnesium lower estrogen?

Yes! Magnesium promotes healthy estrogen production and blocks the levels from increasing to a level. It also reduces the risk of other conditions associated with higher estrogen levels such as fibroids.

Bottom Line

For your query about how to Lower Estrogen Levels with Supplements, we have provided you with 13 options. By maintaining estrogen levels in your body, women can expect to treat PMS, painful periods, weight gain, and mood swings.

Men will also feel betterment in their moods and overall health. For more information, click lookbroad.


Last Updated on October 28, 2022