How to tease a girl on text can be simple if you only mean ‘teasing a girl.’ Teasing a girl is not about offending her by making fun of them or their friends, but something that will make her think about you… for the whole next day until you text again, or at least for some hours.

It is like playing with the psyche to manipulate her resistance and stirring her ‘not-interested attitude.’ So, this is more than just a text message… it is like you are opening gates of her mind, if not heart, for yourself.

Key Takeaways

Even if it comes to teasing her, the language of your text will vary according to the person and her relationship with you.

You will tease your girlfriend differently than your colleague, and someone you just met will need a different expression when texting.

  • Girlfriend teasing text example: “My friend wants to know if you think I’m hot.”
  • Teasing the new girl text example: “You’re, like, the coolest person I’ve ever met, and you don’t even have to try.”

Remember, teasing her is not irritating but making her think about you dupably.

So, from expert psychic reads and relationship experts, we have brought you tips on how to tease a girl via text without damaging the wall of respect between you both.

How to Tease a Girl on Text?

You are searching for it because you have been quelled lately by one of your colleagues, a classmate, the girl you saw with your friends, or someone you know but are afraid of her ‘not available attitude.’

This guide will include some assertive texts that you can right away copy and send her and get a definite reply (as they worked 98 times out of 100).

But before that;

It would be best if you had some notes on texting ethics when it comes to teasing a girl; yeah, ethics… we are not here to offend girls but win them.

Here are the tips:

1.   Who are you Going to Tease?

The language of your text will vary according to the person. Let us give you a sheer example; teasing your friends is different than teasing a girl in your class or someone from your neighborhood.

Besides, you might have seen the google suggestions while searching about teasing a girl, like how to sexually flirt through text; well, if she is not your girlfriend, you are not going to get the girl if you made her sense your hook up intensions with your first ever messages.

Therefore, choose language according to the person you are texting. You aren’t a language expert! We get it; here are examples for you to help:

When you got to tease girlfriend, your text should

Example: “My friend wants to know if you think I’m hot.”

What if the exact text you will send a new girl at work?  You might get fired!!!!!

The text example for teasing the new girl would be like,

Example: You’re, like, the coolest person I’ve ever met, and you don’t even have to try.

We know it’s a dialogue from the movie Juno, but how decently you can crawl into her inbox without even offending her. 😉  

2.   Don’t Forget Who you are:

You might be a desperate, hopeless romantic. Still, in the outside world, you have a reputation, and apparently, you don’t want to ruin it while winning a girl over texts, yet you don’t even win “that very girl” by puking your dirty thoughts in the texts.

Offended…??? Chillax, we were just trying to make you feel how she might think if how to tease a girl on the text process went wrong.

There is nothing wrong to approach a girl but making it a winning mood requires decently teasing text she won’t mind replying to. 😉

However, don’t be too honest at the start of texting and sending her messages like;

Example:  You make me want to be a better man. 

She might think you have a butter personality… nobody likes if something too easily available.

Tips on Teasing the New Girl

Teasing a girl requires a lot of things; check below for some more instructions to infatuate the girl 😉

3.   Teasing is Not Insulting:

You will also have to comprehend that how to tease a girl on text is never about insulting her but making her compelled to text you back.

You want to bring her out of her ‘not interested’ zone and compel her to text you back. On the other hand, if you are already into texting, how to drive the conversation from common to flirtatious messaging?

It will require the art of teasing without insulting, your confidence (that what you are doing is not inappropriate), and a compelling force without sounding emotional to reply to you back.

So, you will have to start the convo smoothly and diverge to the way you are interested in, without letting her feel anything.

4.   Be Patient:

You are here to emotional the girl and not get emotionally compelled. Besides, don’t ever take her easy when thinking about how to tease a girl on the text.

Don’t get personal by sending her texts about her dressing or if she looks hot.

In this way, she might enjoy your remarks but will never reply to you back because you have already sounded too interested… Where is that hero factor?

So, start it slowly, go steadily, and you will win the race. Relax!!! It won’t take months, but some days to move further.

Snapchat Flirting Examples

Snapchat isn’t just to ask for…. but to have the conversations you are most interested in. Find below some more teasing girls tips:

5.   Go Fancy:

People call it going dirty, but we call it being fancy… dirty is offensive unless you are teasing girlfriend. So, you make sure to chat with her on an app she doesn’t use for work purposes.

For instance, WhatsApp groups or iMessage can be used for professional texting. On the other hand, Snapchat is the perfect texting app for flirtatious messages because, after 24 hours, nobody knows what you have said.  

She will also feel comfortable texting you back here. Try to use emojis, stickers, and gifs to keep her interested during the convo. Also, slowly and steadily go with the terms like we, us, instead of you and I, in order to sound specific, not personal.

For Example: “Hmmm, can’t wait until you buy us coffee today… the aroma in that cafe is so delicious, and the creamy mochas are the best.”

And most importantly, when it comes to how to tease a girl on text, make her think she is trying to play and tease you; instead, you are teasing her. 😉

For Example: How did you know I have a weakness for brunettes from Southern Cali
you’re doing this on purpose… I’m on to your tricks, little one

6.   Use Name (not her real name):

Try to go personal… (Not personal on intentions) but sweetly sound friendly. Here is a pro tip; girls love to be called by nicknames.

For instance, you are such a little brat/punk and add emojis at the end.

While teasing girlfriend, call her sweetie, babe, pumpkin, or cupcakes because you two are dating. She won’t mind you going cheesy, even if it is the start of your relationship.

For more, you can check these cute Snapchat names for your girlfriend with meaning.

However, if you are teasing a new girl, make it bold but not bogus.

For example, “I like that you’re always laughing, I’m officially calling you giggles.”

Copy paste this teasing text for her. 

How to Tease Girlfriend via Text?

How to tease a girl on the text? If she is your girlfriend, you still need to make efforts to be a keeper and let her feel special.

7.   Leave Her Thirsty:

If you see that she is enjoying talking to you, raise this tension between you two by simply leaving her in bewilderment but decently excusing her for any more conversation.

Are we mad…….???????????

Hahaha! Chillax! We know what we are telling. If you quench a person’s thirst, they won’t need water anymore.

Make her enjoy the conversation with you to the fullest and leave her waiting for your next message, or she will text you herself because now she must miss the fun and feel the tension you created through texts. 😉

8.   Don’t Seem Too Available:

When you are in a texting relationship with a girl, don’t be too available for her. It might make her believe that you are under her spell.

A girl, when she knows you are all quelled, will not feel any challenge or attraction towards you. You don’t want that.

So, always seem to be decently available for her. Does this mean you should stop replying to her messages for teasing her?

No! You should learn how to respond to playful teasing to make her. Don’t sound cheesy, don’t sound intimidating, and don’t sound uninterested, but reply to her in a manner that you are pleased to see her text but may be busy in your routine and cannot be available for a lengthy convo.

How to Tease a Woman?

Teasing a woman is not easy, but our following tips on How to tease a girl on text are surely going to help you.

9.   Don’t Seem to Neglect Her:

You never have to neglect the girl to make her fall for you because she might consider it you are not interested.  So, if you politely tell her you are busy, don’t fret.

But… never forget to decide the time with her for texting appealingly that she misses you instead of feeling upset. She will surely wait for you, and making her wait is all we need to make that girl feel interested.

Also, make sure to notice her speed of replying to you and make your texting go the same way. If she is taking the time to respond, your answer should look like you were waiting for her message.

10.   When to Flirt…?

Lastly, you should know when it is the right time to flirt with the girl so that she won’t mind your cheesy lines to make the next move.

So when is the right time? Well, this is when you are texting regularly for a week, and she knows you are serious. You can give her some decent hints on your feelings, and don’t forget to leave short silly texts in her inbox about your day, routine, and how you are feeling to let her know she is important.

Instead of going dirty over messages, try to use topics that you both are interested in, of course, the deep talks. Once she is comfortable, make the next move, and start flirting and teasing her like a girlfriend.

Teasing Flirting Examples

Here are some teasing flirting examples to help you better understand how to tease a girl on text:

Complement her:

  1. “OMG, your dimples are so adorable.”
  2. “You have the cutest freckles on your nose.”

Sound caring:

  1. “I think you’re too young to be drinking that young lady.”
  2. “I think somebody needs a timeout.”

Look quelled:

  1. “Why are you doing this to me? You’re the worst. I hate you.” and add some emojis at the end.
  2. “Why are you making me think these thoughts about you?”

Drop unnecessary texts:

  1. “Hey, can I ask you a random question? Do you think I’m attractive?”
  2. “I just don’t really have anyone to talk to. My friends aren’t very good at listening. What are you up to?”

Go humorously dirty:

  1. “Can you please stop checking out my ass?” Don’t forget to add emoticons at the end.
  2. “Hey, stop thinking those dirty thoughts — we just met.” (add emoticon)

Bottom Line

This is how your ‘how to tease a girl on text’ operation will end successfully in winning her. For more interesting reading, click here.


Last Updated on November 21, 2022