Is kefir good for acid reflux just like we use kombucha for indigestion? Well, it’s the query we are discussing today.

Good bacteria play an integral role in healing inside or outside structures of our bodies, specifically, helping with digestion. Without a doubt, kombucha is great for digestion and even recommended for weight loss.

But what about kefir? Can kefir make acid reflux worse, or is it good for GERD and other stomach issues?

Key Takeaways
  • Kefir cures acid reflux, and the living organisms in the formula promote healthy stomach growth.
  • Kefir also deals with heartburn, gastroesophageal, and gastritis.
  • Kefir works for bone strength, boosts immunity and helps against ulcers.
  • It is a complete antibiotic diet for the stomach.

Let’s find all the bits and bobs about kefir cures and find out does kefir help acid reflux.

Here you go:

Kefir For Acid Reflux

Probiotics based on alive microbes are tucked into the bodies for beneficial qualities. These probiotics are made with good bacteria.

Do you know Kefir, an ancient drink used by modern people, is also made with good bacteria?

Kefir grains are obtained by letting good bacteria in animal skin and ferment with good bacteria in milk for 28 days and later consumed by mixing in plain water, sweetened water, flavored liquid, or milk.  Learn more about kefir taste and uses here.

Is Kefir Good For Acid Reflux?

Yes! Kefir is proved helpful against acid reflux. Food is sent to the stomach from the mouth using a tube known as the esophagus. Increased amounts of harmful bacteria along with acids, instead of reaching the stomach, are sent back to the esophagus when the line is not working correctly.

As acid is refluxing in the bowel, it produces gas and heat that becomes the reason for the burning sensations. Good bacteria are transferred inside the stomach to ease the reflux. These good bacteria or probiotics are found in plenty in Kefir.

However, we have mixed information about using kefir for acid reflux. Apart from the rarest cases,

“Kefir reported cures explain that it is great for acid reflux and various other stomach issues, even the worst ones such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn, gastritis, etc.”

Let’s discuss gut health in comparison with Kefir vs Yakult to find out how is kefir good for acid reflux and other worst stomach issues:

Kefir for GERD

Many people confuse GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) with general acid reflux, as they both share the same names. However, the former is the worst form of the latter.

It occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter remains unable to break down and digest food particles properly. These particles flow up in the esophagus and speculate overgrowth of bad bacteria. It happens as a result of frequent acid reflux. 

So, is kefir good for GERD, the severe form of acidic indigestion?

Yes, we tested various good kefir brands and found that lower levels of stomach acids lead to the overgrowth of bacteria, using kefir will balance the gut flora and helps eliminate symptoms of GERD. Many people reported that after switching to Kefir, they stopped using their GERD medicines because of the solved symptoms.

Kefir for Heartburn

Eating spicy, high acidic, or foods with hot essences such as tomatoes and onion salads, chocolate or coffee in excessive amounts, and overuse of cheese, and peppermint can cause a burning sensation inside the stomach, called heartburn.

Although it is not chronic or something to be worried about, it can be highly disturbing for people, and aspirin or ibuprofen are recommended for immediate healing. However, allopathic medicines always come with side effects, and using some natural solutions is better, such as Kefir.

So, is kefir for heartburn?

Yes. Kefir comes with anti-inflammatory properties to deal with heartburn. Kefir is packed with 50 probiotics, including the Lactobacillus bacterium. It helps gut health by easing the burning sensation in your stomach.

Is Kefir Good for Gastritis?

Our stomach lining is solid and isn’t damaged completely but hurts when spicy foods are consumed frequently, along with having regular boozing sessions or smoking cigarettes. Gastritis can also occur with using certain medications.

As a result, the stomach lining becomes swollen and red (looks burnt). If not treated in time, it can further result in stomach ulcers and other chronic issues.   

So, is kefir good for gastritis?

“Yes! Kefir is so good and highly recommended for gastritis because it resolves stomach inflammation or swelling. People consuming spicy food should have a glass of kefir to avoid symptoms.”

Name Some Kefir Cures

Here are some benefits you can obtain by consuming kefir regularly or adding it to your meals on a frequent basis:

Boosts Immunity:

Immunity is a body’s natural ability to fight bacterial and viral attacks. Kefir is excellent at boosting immunity, thanks to the compounds found in it, such as biotin and folate.

 Lactobacillus Kefiri helps fight specific yet harmful parasites that enter bodies through eating eggs, such as salmonella and E. coli.

Not just this, it also inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and keeps body immunity at optimum levels.

Bone Strength:

Kefir grains are made with milk, and kefir drinks belong to a whole fat dairy group. It contains bone-strengthening elements like Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, and plenty of other minerals.

It contains bioactive compounds that help bones absorb calcium and preserve it to prevent bone degradation.

Along with all other foods from the dairy group, kefir also contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2.

Helps Against Ulcers:

According to some Vitro studies, there are plenty of compounds in Kefir that helps body immunity to not only fight against the existing cancerous cells but also help against their spread.

Early tumors can be dealt with regular use of Kefir. So, when you ask is kefir good for acid reflux. We will say it is not just great to fight against acid reflux, but it also helps the body in other great ways.

Digestion and Gut Health:

According to research, eating probiotic foods can help restore gut balance and treat gastrointestinal disorders, including IBS, Crohn’s disease, and ulcers.

Probiotics can also assist your intestines after taking antibiotics. Probiotic chemicals aid in the restoration of pathogen-fighting flora.

Probiotics can also help with diarrhea and other gastrointestinal adverse effects induced by these drugs.

Helps Against Allergies:

Allergies and asthma are all associated with inflammatory disorders in the body. This drink may aid in treating inflammation at its source, lowering the risk of respiratory disorders such as allergies and asthma.

In research published in Immuno-biology, it was demonstrated to diminish inflammatory cells disturbing the lungs and air passageways as well as mucus formation.

You have got enough idea regarding is kefir good for acid reflux. However, all stomachs aren’t the same, and some can show a relatively different outcome of kefir.

So, here is some more information. This is necessary so you can avoid all negative impacts of probiotics.

Frequently Asked Questions

The section is based on the most important info:

Is kefir acidic or alkaline?

Kefir isn’t alkaline but acidic. It belongs to the acidic food group along with yogurt, kombucha, citruses, etc. Alkali foods have a pH greater than 7. These are highly recommendable when it comes to what to eat for health.

However, alkali foods, cannot help issues like acid reflux, while kefir is good for acid reflux.

Can kefir make acid reflux worse?

In some cases, yes, especially when you are just starting with consuming probiotic food groups. It happens because your stomach doesn’t know how to respond to acidic bacteria, or probiotics, even if they are good.

As a result, you can see some harmful effects of kefir, including bloating, nausea, intestinal cramping, constipation, etc. How to kefir acid reflux symptoms?

Instead of switching to another drink, continue using Kefir. With time, your stomach will become ready to react to kefir bacteria with good bacteria in the gut, resulting in treating stomach problems.

Does kefir survive stomach acid?

Several studies and research literature revealed that probiotics like kefir can withstand the high acidic levels and digestive enzymes included in the human digestive system.

However, when you are a pregnant or breastfeeding mother, do not rely on the online information available about is kefir good for acid reflux.

There is not much reliable information available so far in this regard. Therefore, consulting an expert before making a decision is important.

Bottom Line

Here our discussion on is kefir good for acid reflux comes to the end. The topic is covered from all angles as we have to offer information from different studies and research work published regarding kefir for acid reflux.

For more information, you can visit our site


Last Updated on November 22, 2022