It’s good when you look for signs your friend doesn’t care about you and try to reevaluate your friendships with some people who act like your associates in the face but leave you dismayed when you actually need them.

Key Takeaways

Don’t feel deceived or cuckolded because someone else isn’t honest with you. After all, the loss is losing a genuine friend, not a snake in one’s bosom.

But knowing the signs will help you build your strength, without them, alone in the future:

  • They always make excuses when you ask them out or try spending me-time with them.
  • You aren’t part of their ‘me-time,’ and they don’t even invite you with other fellas for sleepovers.
  • They lie to you that they care yet try to criticize you in everything you do.

We have many friendship quotes defining amity between the same or opposite genders with any hint of romance.

Such as, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is a famous proverb and undoubtedly true. But nothing can be a better definition of friendship than what Rebecca Wells says.

“You know how some people, when they’re together, they somehow make you feel more hopeful? Make you feel like the world is not the insane place it really is?”

So, do you think your friend upholds the diagnosis mentioned above of friendship? Well, if your answer had been yes, you wouldn’t be looking here for signs your friends don’t care about you.

First, don’t feel deceived or cuckolded because someone else isn’t honest with you because loss is always about losing a genuine and sincere friend rather than a snake in one’s bosom.

Now, read these 25 signs that your friend doesn’t care about you:

Signs your friend doesn’t care about you

Below are the first and foremost signs of friends who don’t care about you. If you find these signs in the people ‘who call you your friend but actually aren’t,’ try to make a distance from them ASAP:

1.     They find excuses to hang out with you

Whenever you ask your friend to hang out with you, they often come up with excuses like they have work to do, are invited somewhere else, or simply don’t feel like going anywhere.  People do this not because you are at fault but because they don’t realize your importance.

2.     They make plans with others without you

You can see them excitingly making plans with others without inviting you. If you confront them about this, fake friends will come up like; you don’t have anyone mutual there or apt to your interest, you will get bored and hang up without listening to your answer.

3.     They lie to you

One of the noteworthy signs your friend doesn’t care about you is they tell you lies. When you ask them about their projects, homework, or plans, they answer you with lies and never tell you anything clear. How to know if they are lying to you? Your gut feelings, or else sooner or later, you will find it out.

4.     They try to manipulate you

Signs of a bad friend include manipulation. Whenever you make a good decision about yourself, they always come up and drive you with their false opinions. They always try to control you and rarely care about how you want something to be.

5.     They criticize you

They never refrain from saying wrong about your decisions and choices. They constantly bash your appearance and achievements and talk negatively if something good occurs with you. How to know if your friends are criticizing you? They will always make you feel inferior.

Some more signs your friend doesn’t care about you are coming ahead:

Signs your friends don’t care about you

Sometimes, not just one friend but a group of friends make you feel improper or inept when hanging out with them. They will never ask you for your opinion regarding group plans.

If you ask why my friends don’t care about me, it can be because of jealousy.  However, we will discuss it in detail in the lines coming ahead.

For now, here are some signs to know if your friends care about you or not:

6.     They can be rude

Fake friends can easily be rude. They will bash you in the most disrespectful way possible and won’t even feel apologetic. They can say bad words to you without realizing the intensity or harshness of their words. It is better to keep a distance from someone who doesn’t care about you.

7.     They don’t trust you

Someone who isn’t trustworthy will see others with the spectacles of insincerity and consider them hypocrites. It is also a psychological test to check how sincere someone is to you, and try to find their trust level in you. They will trust you as much as they are honest with you.

8.     They question your sincerity

Whenever you pick some of their mistakes or lie, they upfront you with blames of insincerity. Well, they don’t care about your sobriety or realize how sincere or loving you are towards them. They will just try to question your friendship anyway.

9.     They don’t value your presence

Signs a friend is using you is they don’t seem appreciative when you are around. They will try to look busy on their gadgets, mobiles, or listening to something else when you try to speak with them about your problems. It is just because they don’t want to make you feel good.

10.  They never let you meet their friends

Signs your friend doesn’t care about you include you are not invited to their groups. There is no problem with having different friends in different groups. However, if they are secretive about their new friends or don’t like them hanging up with you, they are fake and feel insecure in your presence.

Some more signs your friend doesn’t value you are given below: S

Signs of a bad friend

Bad friends try to use you and always come up with an excuse when you need them. What are some more signs your friend is a user? Check them below:

11.  They talk behind your back

Fake friends speak wrong about you on your face and talk bad about you when you are not around you. Backbiting is the most significant trait you feel find in fake people. It happens because they don’t want others to like you anyway.

12.  They never show up when you need help

Good friends stay with you through thick and thin, but bad friends at all times derive justifications when you need their support. Not even this, they never try to show up at the celebrations of your achievements and come to congratulate you on your big days.

13.  They become oversweet sometime

Being rude and showing their back aren’t the only signs your friend doesn’t care about you, but they sometimes can be oversweet. Their over-affection could be that they were bored and found nobody else to talk to or basically need something from you.

14.  They don’t consider you worthy enough

Whenever you try to give an opinion, your fake friends will never let you speak up. It can be one of the signs a friend is obsessed with you. They invite you over yet never let you speak. It can be a very codependent kind of friendship.

15.  They tell you are not enough

They will always try to pull your legs or make you feel bad in any way. Also, if they see that others are praising you or being impressed with you, fake friends will show up like: don’t take them too seriously, they are just trying to butter you, they might need something from you… the list is enormous.

Here are further signs your friend doesn’t value you updated in the following lines.

Signs someone doesn’t care about you

Along with signs your friend doesn’t care about you, if you find the following traits in anyone (your colleagues, partner, or associates), keep a distance from them:

16.  They forget your important days

They can forget your birthdays or other important occasions. Some people can genuinely have a hard time remembering dates. However, if they only forget yours and remember details about others, it can be a sign your friends don’t value you.

17.  They are never there for you

It is not just about asking for help or your support. A fake friend only shows up when they need some sort of benefit from you. If they see that you are not going to serve them in any way, they will never show up. However, on your face, they will try to be sweet.

18.  They never spend money on you

You don’t have to be materialistic when it comes to judging the sincerity of a friend but paying for someone’s lunch and bringing small gifts showcase a gesture of love and affection. However, your fake friends will never do this.  

19.  They ask you for money and never return

One of the signs your friend doesn’t care about you that your parents tell you is that your fake friends can show up when they need money and will never return them to you. It shows that they are just there to take benefits from you without investing in anything.

20.  They never encourage you

Fake friends will never encourage you to help you come out of your comfort zone. Instead, they will always try to scare you from accepting challenges or making plans to progress. You will have such fake friends usually at your workplace.

This isn’t all about the signs of a bad friend who is a user. Some more are predicted beneath:

How to know if your friends care about you

Your friends, colleagues, or affiliates give plenty of signs when they don’t care about you. However, if you still have no idea what the signs are if you are being used by your friend, here we are mentioning some: 

21.  You don’t vibe

Whenever you sit with such friends or connections, a strange kind of discomfort will surround you. It happens because your vibes don’t match the person, or sometimes they don’t have good intentions for you in their hearts.

22.  You feel like you’re trying to fit in

Whenever you visit such friends, a continuous feeling of being fitted in keeps surrounding you, a friend is someone who makes you smile even when life is tough. However, it happens contrarily when someone is using you.

23.  You feel inferior in their presence

Signs your friend doesn’t care about you enlist that in the presence of your fake friends, as they constantly criticize you or make fun of you, so you feel inferior in their company. Well, this is what they want you to feel.

24.  They show off in front of you

Fake friends try to portray themselves as superior when in your presence. They show off their achievements, salary, or stuff you lack just to make you feel inferior. However, according to psychology, such people are insecure about themselves.

25.  They ghost you

Your fake friends will ghost you without any reason. They will stop picking up your calls, replying to your messages, or making plans with you. They will ghost you until the next time they need your help. Besides, whenever they need something from you, your fake friends will show up again without any shame.

Why don’t my friends care about me?

First of all, you should stop questioning yourself if you come in connection with fake friends who just try to use you or make you feel inferior.

You know about 25 Signs that your friend doesn’t care about you, but why do friends become fake? Here are some reasons:

  1. You have done so much for them, and now they take you for granted
  2. They can be jealous of you
  3. You become the center of attention wherever you go
  4. They are not happy in their lives
  5. Their romantic partner praised you
  6. They feel insecure in your presence
  7. Their friends like you
  8. They feel outshined in your presence

What to do when a friend hurts you and doesn’t care?

You already know all the signs your friend doesn’t care about you. Even if they don’t have all but most of such traits, it is time to maintain a distance from such people because they are going to leave you anyway.

Moreover, if you fear being left alone, it is time to find new afflictions because such toxic friends can be harmful to your life. Do not ignore the fact because you don’t care if someone is wrong to you in jealousy; people can go to any extent.

All with this, never let anyone take you for granted. Friendships and relationships follow the rule of ‘give and take.’ If you are just giving or just taking, it is time to mend your ways.   

Bottom Line

Here we have added 25 signs your friend doesn’t care about you, along with reasons why friends become enemies or use you. We have also added what to do when a friend hurts you and doesn’t care.

If you still have more questions, feel free to write to us.


Last Updated on November 21, 2022