Customs and traditions don’t symbolize the society’s cultural norms but also indicate religious significance. For instance, the spiritual meaning of nose piercing on the right side has different connotations in different schools of thought, either theologically or ethnically.
The modern and ancient meanings of nose piercing are highly variable. Males get their noses punctured from either side; they choose both sides and even the bridge of the nose to wear pins and rings.
Apart from all other customary norms, today we will discuss all Nose Piercing, Meaning specifically on the right side, along with enlightening spiritual nose rings designs.
Here are particularities explained; you should know before getting your nose pricked.
What Do Nose Piercings Symbolize?
“Generally, nose piercing symbolizes wealth, power, and even rebellion. However, the modern and ancient symbols of nostrils holing can be different.
The modern and ancient meanings of nose piercing are highly variable. Pakistani and Indian women (as they share a shear history of 1000s of years together) pierce their noses for beautification purposes and to indicate their marital status.
In ancient times, only married women used to pierce their nostrils on the right side. Per their traditions, it used to indicate to increase a woman’s attraction for her companion, increased fertility, and awakened the spiritual eye.
Nose Piercing Meaning
Nose piercing relates to the meaning of womanhood. According to primordial mores, girls, when they get adults and become the age of being ready to marry, as an indication their noses used to be pierced from the nostrils regardless of which side of the nostril you choose for the hole.
It also indicates elegance, confidence, and a little rebelliousness. However, according to some oldest works of literature, piercing the nose and putting on nose rings also relates that a woman is now someone else property (in marital relation) and has no personal will except to keep her partner happy.
Nose Piercing Both Sides:
Males are also entering the fashion of piercing their noses, and instead of getting their nose punctured from either side, they choose both sides and even the bridge of the nose to wear pins and rings.
Women are also choosing either or both sides of the nose to pierce. So, in this situation, the meaning of nose piercing relates to boldness, rebellion, freedom of choice, and looking unique.
Nose Piercing Left Side Meaning:
As per ancient Ayurveda teaching, women’s left-side nose piercing relates to their fertility. The Ayurveda teaching says that if a woman gets her nose pierced from the left side, it will help her be more reproductive (fertile), ease her labor pain, and make childbirth easy, while the kid will bear healthier.
Nose Piercing Right Side Meaning:
Right side piercing is for unmarried women indicating they have reached their age of marriage. It usually occurs in south Asian countries like Pakistan.
However, in American traditions, it is not seen as positive. According to a study published in 2006, a pierced nose can have an extremely negative impact on the candidate for being hired for the job.
The study suggests that managers don’t see people with piercings as suitable for the job, and there are fewer chances for them to be hired.
Male Nose Piercing Meaning:
The spiritual meaning of nose piercing on right side has nothing to do with males.
Nosed pricing among males is prohibited in almost all religions and schools of thought. No male following any religion (Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism) is permitted to pierce their noses.
However, Hinduism has exceptions. Their various priests or pundits can be seen piercing their bodies as a ritual of sacrificing themselves and bearing pain on the path of their gods.
Female Right Side Nose Piercing:
Here is what the spiritual meaning of nose piercing on right side for a woman means in each tradition:
- Hinduism:
Hinduism indicates the long life of the husband, ease in childbirth, and being a married woman.
- Christianity / Bible:
Apart from modern cultures, ancient teachings of the Holy Bible suggest that nose piercing in women spiritually indicates wealth (according to the theological story of Abraham).
- In Islam:
Many Islamic schools of thought believe that there is no allowance for making changes in Allah’s creation and that woman should not change their bodies for ornamentation.
- In Sikhism:
Old teachings of Sikhism prohibit nose piercing, but the Khalsa creed considers themselves slaves of nobody and enjoy freedom by piercing their noses.
Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on Right Side
Now, to the spiritual meaning. Do you know nose piercing has different meanings in religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism?
They also vary gender-wise. Here is what you need to know:
Here are 5 positive spiritual meanings of nose piercing on right side according to different traditions.
1. Confidence:
When you decide to get your nose pierced from the right side, it indicates a sense of confidence that you accept yourself open-heartedly and don’t mind people reacting negatively about your appearance. Sooner or later, they will get used to it.
2. Consistency:
Another spiritual meaning of nose piercing on the right side is being consistent with your desires and life decisions. According to studies, the right side is involved with thinking abilities, and after getting this side pierced, you find unnoticeable inspirations from the universe.
3. Good Fortune:
Nose piercing on the right side meaning also relates to good luck. It indicates that your personality is ready to attract wealth, love, loyal partners, and good vibes. It will improve your psychic relationship with your partner.
4. Connection:
According to ancient Ayurveda literature, a Kundalini system in our body relates to providing energy to our physical, mental, and spiritual actions. It also relates to 7 chakras. With the nose pierced on the right, an energetic connection is built among these channels providing more spiritual energy to the piercer.
5. Divine Powers:
Hindu traditions also indicate that when the nose is pierced on the right side, the energies in the universe come to help you in your daily affairs. A male with a right-sided pierced nostril will be able to take care of her partner better.
This is not all. Nose piercing isn’t just about positivity. Some people or schools of thought relate it to unconstructiveness and disapprove of this practice. What are those negative meanings?
Here are 5 negative spiritual meanings of nose piercing on right side according to different traditions:
6. Rebellion:
Some cultures, especially the modern one in the USA, consider nose piercing a negative thing. They feel that a person with a pierced nose isn’t ready to follow the rules and has a rebellious nature. According to a survey, managers prefer not to hire people having cut noses.
7. Slavery:
According to ancient cultures, when someone was taken into slavery, their masters used to pierce their noses and put ropes in their beaks to indicate possession. Sikh cultures believe in this still and forbid piercing.
8. Self-Obsession:
Some negative spiritual meanings of nose piercing on right side also indicate self-obsession. According to Islamic theories, ornamentation among women is only allowed for their husbands. While Biblical views express that ornamentation should only be for God and not for personal satisfaction.
9. Prohibited in Various Cultures:
Getting your nose pierced may cause disturbance among different cultures because many don’t allow cutting their nostrils on either side or any part of the body. You can experience social pressure or hostilities from your nears-and-dears by this decision.
Nose Ring Meaning
Along with the spiritual meanings of nose piercing on right side, do you know the design of a ring or stud also has spiritual meanings too?
Yes, the style of nose ring you wear also says a lot about spiritual powers and divinity. In some cultures, where a nose ring meaning indicates slavery, it also shows love and a good relationship between partners.
Hindu girls wear unique nose rings at their wedding, symbolizing happiness and ornamenting their beauty even more.
Spiritual Nose Rings
The formation, design, and material make Spiritual Nose Rings. Special crystals that implore positivity are used in the spiritual nose rings to enhance their significance.
Along with this, designs like the evil eye help against the bad vibes and bad intentions of people. You can check some fantastic Spiritual Nose Rings below:
Triquetra Trinity Celtic Knot L-Bend Ring:
The holy trinity sign having this ring brings spiritual meaning to Christian theology and will help boost good fortune.
Jewelryweb14k Simulated Diamond Blue Evil Eye Nose Ring:
This spiritual nose ring is made of 14k genuine gold.
What Does Nose Piercing on Both Sides Mean in History?
According to historical references, piercing the nose originates more than 4000 years ago in the Middle East for symbolic and ornamental devotions.
It migrated to India around 1500 years ago, and from there, it reached western cultures during the 20th century.
However, a decline has also been seen in nose piercing among modern women as they are more into keeping their noses aesthetically appealing through make-up and surgeries rather than cutting and making holes.
Punks adopted this fashion too during the. Many males entered into Nostril Piercing made with making holes in various other parts of their faces, such as eyebrows, ears, nose bridges, and even tongues.
Bottom Line
In the end, we hope our detailed content on the spiritual meaning of nose piercing on right side will be helpful for you in making a decision to pierce your nose. For more exciting and knowledgeable stuff, check to Look Broad Interesting Reads.