Death anxiety, in general, and Thanatophobia, in particular, can make people think, I feel like I’m dying. And certainly, another question occurs, Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.
But what death anxiety is, and why are you feeling more drawn toward death thoughts? Is there anything that can help you cater to the “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon” anxiety?
Certain losses can leave us in bewilderment and shock. Feeling like you are going to die soon is one of them.
- Do not take such thoughts seriously; instead, try to divert your attention and thinking habits.
- Sleep paralysis or bad dreams could be due to depression and anxiety; take medical help in this situation.
- Try to adopt a positive thinking habit and mindset.
Death is inevitable; live to the fullest so that you don’t have any regrets in the end.
In this content, we will give you brief reasoning of your death thoughts, how you can stop being conscious of death, when and how you should take professional help, and then our final thoughts.
It will be a fun read, and we assure you, in the end, you will leave with a better situation of your brain and positive considerations of death.
So, let’s start answering all the questions occurring in your mind regarding death:
Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon?
First of all, you are not alone in feeling like this. At some point in our life, we have all been here, and if you talk to someone around you, they will totally relate to your experience.
There can be various reasons behind this:
Random Thoughts:
Having random thoughts of death is not new. We all felt so randomly. Humans are the only living being you can certainly think about death and life coming after that, is there life after death?
When you think more and more about death, your brain starts deceiving and making you think, “I feel like I’m dying; how am I going to die, or how does it feel when you die.
In this situation, you need to stop overthinking death and divert them to thinking about something pleasant and less problematic.
How to overcome the “I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon” feeling?
If you are used to going astray with your thoughts, here is a solution.
- Take an elastic band and wear it on your arm.
- Whenever you go astray with death thoughts and start feeling worried, pull the rubber and let it hit your skin.
- A sudden minor pain will help you come out of these thoughts and bring you back to the present reality that everything is fine and you are alive.
Experiencing the Death of a Loved One:
Another reason behind thinking so much about your death is experiencing the death of a loved one. It might be your best friend dying at a young age, your parents’ early death, or the death of children.
We are all aware of the concept of death in our subconscious. However, not think about it until and unless we experience the death of our very close relative.
Someone who was all right living with us when suddenly dies creates a thought in the subconscious that death is so near. So you can tell it a reason for Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.
To overcome this situation, all you need to do is stop thinking about death. For this,
- Come back to routine life as soon as possible.
- Do not sit idle, as your brain can again start working and gives you a feeling like you’re going to die
- Start reading books about life.
A Bad Dream:
Our brain tries to deceive us in many ways. Sometimes when we are awaking and sometimes when we are sleeping.
You must have seen that when you think about something at night, the same thing comes in your dream while you sleep. It is because the subconscious never sleeps.
So, there are chances when you think about death a lot, your subconscious makes you feel like; you are dying (in a dream) that feels so real that even after waking up, you get a thought, Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.
To overcome this problem, all you need to do is
- Read something positive and good bed
- Think about life and realities other than death before you sleep
- Scroll through some funny posts before sleeping
Sleep Paralysis:
One more reason that can give you a feeling like you’re going to die soon is sleep paralysis. When you are suffering from some sort of anxiety or panic disorder, there are more chances for you to experience sleep paralysis; however, random people with no pressure can feel it too.
It happens when you pass between the stages of wakefulness and sleep and get a feeling of being conscious but remain unable to move. It can last for a few seconds, and you might think you are dying soon.
However, be mindful that sleep paralysis cannot cause death. To overcome this situation, you should:
- Do some meditation before going to bed, especially the Balasana pose
- Sleep on your right side
- Make sure there is no physical pressure on your chest (such as your hand on your chest)
This type of death anxiety often comes in the fifties.
Our life is filled with dreams, goals, and wishes. We thought about being successful in every walk of our life and put all our energies into it in our youth.
Some people successfully achieve their dreams and go to the stage of ego integrity; however, others who remain unable to complete it go to the setting of despair – says Dr. Erik Erikson.
Despair when becomes severe, and people start thinking, Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.
To overcome this,
- Think about the blessings of life
- All the positive things you have achieved
- There is no specific time for a new beginning
- Make friends with people like you
- Listen to motivational speakers and read motivational quotes.
It is reported that in the early twenties, adults start to experience the fear of death, which could be due to many reasons mentioned above.
Also, the fear comes again when people reach their fifties, and you might feel this impending doom.
This could be due to the reason of depression caused by the family separation, lack of attention, and not getting enough love from the family in the adults around 20.
On the other hand, in the fifties, it could be due to the despair stage of consciousness.
- Attention, love, and empathy can help you overcome the “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon” feeling.
Death Anxiety:
Does anxiety make you feel like you’re dying?
Yes! It does.
When early consciousness of death isn’t handled in the right way, it can become anxiety. Anxiety disorders cause negative vibes, and you feel blue and disappointed.
As a result, you might lose your appetite and feel depressed most of the time.
To overcome this issue,
- Talk to someone you feel comfortable with
Consult a psychologist
Panic Attacks:
Panic attacks can also be the reason why you feel like you are going to die soon. These panic attacks could be of any kind and happen due to anything.
During panic attacks, you might undergo sweating, increased breathing and heart rate, and a sense of explosion in your head.
This thing might make your brain feel like you’re going to die.
To overcome the death fear caused by panic attacks, you need,
- Professional help and proper medications
Thanatophobia is a severe condition of death phobia. Someone going through thanatophobia can become totally dysfunctional and feels like doing nothing, such as going to school or the office or socializing with friends.
Thanatophobia isn’t known as a disorder in the language of psychology; however, it can be the root cause of some mental health issues like GAD or OCD.
The good thing is Thanatophobia is curable. For this,
- Professional help and medications are recommended
COVID-19 is another reason everyone has the same thought, like “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.”
During COVID’s different stages, we have seen plenty of people dying in front of our eyes. The channels just to get some views aired disturbing news enough to give you a feeling like you’re going to die soon.
However, time has passed, and you’re blessed as you are still alive.
- Think positive to overcome the death anxiety caused by COVID-19.
How to Get Rid of Thanatophobia, Death Anxiety & Feeling I’m Going to Die Soon?
Many people suffering from death anxiety always complain, “Sometimes I feel like dying.” Feeling it once or twice or randomly on some days is normal; however, keeping this feeling for successive days and having such thoughts regularly surely need some help.
So here we are telling you some of the ways feeling which you will stop asking, Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon:
1. Do Not Get Deceived By Your Brain:
The brain is the most powerful thing we have, and it can be highly positive or negative on the basis of how you train it.
Psychology suggests,
“Practice Happiness Every Day.”
It means never let your brain feel sad or empty as it can cause death, and fear and bring certain psychological issues.
Tell your brain you are the only one feeling it, and there is nothing wrong with getting thoughts of death. However, feeling it like it is coming today is not happening today.
Death will come at its right time, and you feel experience a great ending because of your positive, helpful, and healthy lifestyle.
2. Positive Mindset:
You will have to keep your mindset and brain on thinking positive side of thinking about death. Instead of keeping a worrying mindset, “why do I feel like I’m going to die soon” keep an attitude that
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.”
By doing so, you will be able to live life to the fullest and find no time for crazy, doomed thoughts.
Also, when you are certain of death, you become extra conscious of your health and hygiene, which is another good thing when it comes to feeling like you are going to die.
You will love more, live more, and enjoy life more if you have limited time.
So it’s all about the mindset and how you react to certain thoughts.
3. Talk To Someone:
Do not ever feel alone and disconnect yourself from the people who care about you. Remember,
“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.”
Friends and loved ones have the power to turn the worst day into the best one. Besides this, talking to people helps you puke your negative thoughts out and make your brain free from things bothering you.
All you need to do is trust. Also, remember that you are alone feeling this thing there are millions of people searching for the answer to “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon.”
You can join communities and share your thoughts with people thinking the same about death. By doing so, you can reduce the pressure on your brain.
4. Meditate:
Meditation is a great way to keep your brain from negative thoughts and doomed feelings. Your brain has specific pressure points that need to be addressed otherwise, they can cause problems.
“Meditate upon what you ought to be in body and soul when death overtakes you; meditate on the brevity of life, and the measureless gulf of eternity behind it and before, and upon the frailty of everything material.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
Balasana or Child Pose is most recommended to get rid of stress, negative thoughts, and feeling that I will die soon.
It is better that, during this pose, try to touch your head to the floor and keep this position for five minutes. Do this, before going to bed so that mother earth sucks out all the negative energies from your head and makes you go to bed fresh.
5. Rubber Band Solution:
The rubber band is the most common solution to keep yourself on track whenever negative thoughts try to overtake you.
“Wake up, you are not in a sad death movie. This is life, come back to reality.”
In this, you can take any rubber band and wear it on your right or left wrist.
Whenever you see yourself going astray while thinking about death, you can simply pull the rubber band and let it bang your wrist.
This minor pain is not to hurt you but to bring you back to the reality where you are alive, living, breathing, and enjoying.
This is the simplest solution to get rid of the negative energies.
6. Exercise:
Death thoughts often take over you at night, especially when you’re struggling to sleep. It mostly happens when you remain idle for the most part of the day, your body doesn’t feel tired and feels like sleeping.
So, a solution for you to get rid of “I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon” thoughts is taking exercise during the day. Also, you know that:
“A healthy body has a sound brain.”
For exercises, you don’t need to do a heavy workout, but simply half-hour jogging and some easy workout stuff can help you get rid of the brain tiresome.
With this, you will feel tired at night and sleep by just going to your bed: no more negative thoughts, no more negative vibes surrounding you.
7. Change Surroundings:
It is one of the most important things to do that we often ignore when it comes to struggling against negative thoughts.
Many times, with the change of surroundings, we take the meaning of going to a hill station and spending time there. But for how long you can afford to live on a hill station?
“Home should be safe, authentic, true, steady, an oasis, a place to recharge, and something that brings a deep sense of rest.”
Therefore, try to make your home or living space comforting so you don’t have to go anywhere for permanent peace of mind.
For this, you can
- Bring plants to your home
- Have pets
- Change the color of the walls of your room
- Place some peaceful paining
- Bring a music system
All with this, you can share space with someone you love. Living alone is the biggest reason causing insecurity in people and then causing death, fear, and other anxiety issues.
8. Healthy Lifestyle:
Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps you get rid of the random search “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon” on the internet.
“Healthy body, Happy Life.”
By healthy lifestyle we mean, you need to take a proper diet that contains all the healthy enzymes our body and brain need. Such as Keto helps your brain to cut down fat for energy than carbs.
By doing so, you get smarter and feel happy about yourself and in the end, stop getting the doomed feeling of facing death.
Besides that, you need to change the way you look. Experiment with your appearance and try to look beautiful every day. Go shopping, and buy some new clothes.
Try these clothes, do some good makeup, and stroll to live life to the fullest.
9. Get a Hobby:
You will have to adopt a healthy activity to do as a hobby. Gardening, book reading, book writing, and traveling are some of the options you can use as per your choice.
For gardening, you don’t need a big yard but a kitchen garden where you can do the planting and stuff like that in small and big pots.
For book reading, try to find motivational and positive books instead of those with sad endings. Books that make you believe in life.
And for traveling, choose the places you always dreamt of visiting.
The primary purpose of getting a hobby is to keep your brain busy with something positive so that it finds no time to think about “you are going to die today or very soon.”
10. Taking Professional Help:
Now, with all these things, if it still remains impossible for you to get rid of the death anxiety and death thoughts or if you have reached a severe stage of Thanatophobia, you are advised to take professional help.
“You don’t have to struggle in silence. You can be un-silent. You can live well with a mental health condition as long as you open up to somebody about it.” ~ Demi Lovato
Do not eat random medicines for sleeping or peace of mind without consultation. Talking to a professional will help you speak better about your problem and have better solutions.
During the process, always trust your psychologist and keep your mind to the point that you are going to heal for sure.
Many people ask, does thanatophobia go away? The answer is yes. It is not a permanent condition and can be treated with some simple therapies and medicines.
However, if not treated, it can be a reason for further mental issues.
11. Death is Certain:
We’re all going to die someday so the thought Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon shouldn’t bother you.
Sooner or later, death will come and you will say goodbye to this world.
However, death doesn’t mean the end.
“I regret not death. I’m going to meet my friends in another world.” ~ Ludovico Ariosto
So train your brain to think good about feeling like you’re going to die soon.
The other world is full of surprises the good thing is we are going to meet all over deceased loved ones over there.
If you think, there is no life after death, how do you dead people in your dreams who are going?
It shows, that they are gone from this world only, and our souls are still connected. Become spiritual and enjoy death thoughts.
Before ending, here are some frequently asked questions:
Why am I So Scared of Death Lately?
Thanatophobia can be the reason, triggered by an early traumatic event related to almost dying or the death of a loved one.
People with severe ailments can also have death fear, but the thoughts can overtake you randomly as well.
Being scared of death is usually because we feel we will be alone after death. However, there is another world waiting for us.
Why Do I Think About Death So Much?
You think about death so much because you might be experiencing obsessive or intrusive thoughts. Such thoughts can be triggered by anxiety and depression.
Death thoughts can also include thinking and being worried that someone you love will die. Such thoughts scare everybody, and you don’t need to worry about it too much.
I Keep Thinking About Death, Am I Depressed?
Thinking about death is a severe symptom of depression. But, even a person with perfect mental health can also experience such thoughts at some point in time.
However, keeping on track of having such thoughts is wrong. You should take professional help immediately if these thoughts are recurring more than often.
Is it Normal to Think About Death?
Yes! It’s normal to think about death because it is a certain and most natural part of life. However, people with mental illness can get such thoughts more than often. Besides, such thoughts can cause death fear too.
I’m Going to Die Soon, What Should I Do?
Just think positive, and live every minute of your life to the fullest. Plan a good death. Talk to God and forgive yourself. Ask people you love for forgiveness and spend these days as some of the best and happiest days of your life.
Bottom Line
Are we able to cater to your anxiety regarding “Why Do I Feel like I’m Going to Die Soon?” We surely believe you are a strong person, and with your willpower, you will surely get rid of such impeding thoughts.
Give us a thumbs up and do share your opinions before leaving, and always trust, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”