A woman would show signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you and signals if they are interested in you for real.
If you are continuously feeling intimidated due to her refusals and ordinary treatment. You must check these signs that show she isn’t into you and doesn’t want a relationship.
- She doesn’t like going on romantic dates with you.
- She only asks you out when she needs a man along with her during formal meetings.
- She depends on you but never be there for you when you need her.
- She trusts you but never treats you as a friend…
Read more signs and what you should do about them in the guide below.
Women can procrastinating when agreeing to a relationship, but once they are sure you are their man, there is nothing that can change their minds quickly.
However, sometimes, they keep you as a sidekick and never assure the feelings you always want her to confess or at least talk about.
In both cases, women show signs. You just don’t have to ignore your gut feelings when meeting her, as you can feel her level of interest.
Nevertheless, along with your gut feelings, a woman would also show other Signs She Doesn’t Want a Relationship with You.
What are those signs, and what should you do about them? This Look Broad Relationship Guide is going to talk about this.
Interested? Let’s start:
Signs She Doesn’t Want a Relationship with You
Guts never lie and not even the gut feeling. You are continuously feeling intimidating due to her refusals and ordinary treatment. However, here are some more signs she doesn’t want you.
Find them in her before you decide about the future:
1. One-on-One Dates Are A no-no
She likes to take you to places where she needs a man or a date, such as weddings, birthday celebrations, or corporate dinners.
However, when it comes to romantic one-on-one dates, she is always distant and never gives you a yes, or any positive gesture.
2. Missing Romantic Spark
The romantic vibe will be missing, and you will feel no twin flame. She will kiss you on the cheek or even hug you, but you will still not feel that romance in her touch.
Do not ignore this thing as it can be one of the strongest signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you:
3. She is not possessive about you
She doesn’t care if you don’t text her for too long and don’t even mind seeing you with other girls, colleagues, or fellows.
Women can turn out to be highly possessive of their favorite men. However, she doesn’t consider you her possession and never asks you to stay away from others and stay with me only.
4. She Maintains a Distance
It doesn’t matter that you both talk a lot, but she shows no interest in having deep late-night chats about the cupid and feelings.
This is not just one of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you but also a behavior that women usually maintain with the guys they are not serious about.
However, you can turn her point of view by sending her things that she will be interested in talking about. Do check what to say to your crush over text.
5. She doesn’t respond when you talk romantic
Even when you try to be romantic or talk intimate with her, she laughs like it is a joke or simply ignores it and doesn’t respond in a manner that shows signs she wants a serious relationship with you.
6. She calls you only when she needs
Trusting is one thing and making you her boyfriend or lover is another. You have always been there for her, so she will look up to you whenever she needs something.
Once her requirement or the need is fulfilled, she gets back to her “low key just friends” mood.
7. She introduces you as a friend in her community
She doesn’t tell others that you are her boyfriend or she is dating you. Rather than that, she will always introduce you as her best friend or a confidant. She is just not closing her dating expectant.
8. No eye contact
Here is another, one of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you that you shouldn’t ignore is her body language.
When in love or looking for a serious relationship, women love making sweet eye contact and shy away when you look back. This can be missing when she doesn’t want a relationship.
9. Her hug feels nothing different
The physical touch is different when you are in love or have unique feelings for someone. However, if she doesn’t want a relationship, her hugs will not feel different or intimate.
10. She is hot and cold
She shows you the utmost desire one day but behaves completely cold on the other day. Do not be misled by her weekend affections and consider that she wants you.
If it is not the same every day, it cannot be one of the signs she wants a serious relationship with you.
Signs she doesn’t care about you
Signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you are embedded in the signals she doesn’t care about you. It isn’t about being rude; it is just that she keeps herself first.
Unfortunately, when you find the following signs she doesn’t care about you, beware that she doesn’t want you.
11. She talks about dating
She doesn’t mind talking about her dating life. She keeps telling you about the guys who tried to approach her and how handsome they are. It shows that she doesn’t care about your feelings.
12. She keeps talking about her past relationships
She keeps telling you about her ex-boyfriend’s qualities, how macho he was, or how much she misses him are some of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you.
Even if you try to intervene, showing that you care, she will reply; nobody can be like him.
13. She accepts she’s seeing guys
She doesn’t mind talking about the guys she is looking forward to date without giving a damn about your feelings.
14. She doesn’t look to care about your feelings
She calls when she needs help but always remains out of the scene when you need her support. She tells you if something is bothering her but doesn’t bother if her behavior teases you.
Related: How to Tease & Mess with Someone Anonymously
15. She forgets your important days
She forgets your birthdays and doesn’t celebrate your achievements – signs she doesn’t care about you. Remove your birthday from social media accounts and check if she still remembers it.
16. She is not there for you
When you ask her out or make plans with her, she is not there for you. She seems busy and always away somewhere when you need her.
17. She cancels plans easily at the last minute
Canceling special plans at the last minute can be one of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you. When they want to be with you, women never cancel plans and reschedule in case of an emergency.
When they cancel without rescheduling, it simply means she doesn’t like spending time with you and doesn’t care about your feelings at all.
18. You don’t find yourself in her plans
During planning, she doesn’t include special activities with you.
For instance, when you both are going on vacation with friends, she will have plans like shopping and others but have nothing to do anything special with you.
19. She replies to you late and sometimes never
Another from the list of signs she doesn’t care about you is that she will forget to reply to your message. The faster replies show she wants you.
When a woman doesn’t want a serious relationship with you, she doesn’t care about replying.
20. She keeps telling you that she is busy
When you try to confront her about her behavior, she will have an answer; I am busy. Remember, nobody is really busy; it is just about the priorities.
Signs she doesn’t want to sleep with you
Sleeping together is one of the most notable moments when you are in a love affair. It is not about making out but simply laying together and feeling peace in each other’s arms.
However, when you are noticing the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you, one sign is she will also refuse to share a bed.
21. She avoids being alone with you
When trying to spend time alone, you will see her always coming with her friends or others so that she doesn’t have to be alone with you.
22. She directly refuses
When you try to be romantic with her or try to pull her closer for sleep, she will refuse to your face and tell you that she isn’t sure about it yet.
23. She doesn’t respond to your physical approach
During romantic moments, she comes out to be so passive and doesn’t reply properly to your physical touch. You can feel her behavior that she doesn’t want this to happen.
24. She looks irritated when you try to approach her romantically
She might show irritation or anger when you try to intimidate her through love, and it can be one of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you.
25. She ignores your feelings or eye-contact
When you try to confront her romantically, she will show herself as busy with some other task. She will refuse to make eye contact or have any special moments.
26. She “friends zones” you
Signs she doesn’t care about you to be in a relationship is that she tells you to your face about her feelings. She will friend zone you by telling you that she doesn’t want a relationship.
27. She keeps telling you it doesn’t seem right
She can refuse your approach by saying it doesn’t feel right at the moment to share the same bed with you. She can ask you for more time until she is certain about her feelings for you.
28. She doesn’t look attentive
Whatever you do to make bring her closer, her passive and inattentive behavior will showcase signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you.
29. I am feeling sleepy
She can come up with excuses about being weary and wanting to sleep alone for the moment. You can come into this situation even during dating that your girl will refuse to share a bed with you.
There can be various reasons for that, and it can also be one of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you anymore.
30. She doesn’t invite you in
When you try to come into her place, she doesn’t seem inviting or doesn’t even invite you to her home. This can be one of the unignorable signs she doesn’t want you.
Signs she doesn’t like you more than a friend
Women treat everyone differently based on their choices and the nature of their relationships with them.
If you are looking for signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you, here are some signals she doesn’t like you more than a friend. If you find them in her, it is better to leave than persuade:
31. Ask you to hook up with her friends
She will bring you messages from her friends that they want to hook up. Women are highly possessive when in love.
32. She doesn’t treat you in a special way
She treats you like everyone else. Don’t be misled by her care or affection, as it might be her trait. Check how she behaves with others. If it is caring and affectionate, do not consider yourself to be different.
33. She doesn’t like you paying for her
Women who don’t want long-term relationships always try to maintain a distance from men and pay their bills.
It can be because they don’t want to be called gold-diggers in case of refusal. After all, men always seem worried about the women getting money from them that they don’t even have.
34. She will share about her tinder guys
Tinder is an excellent dating app where you find perfect matches through swipes. One of the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you is that she will not mind showing you her tinder list.
35. There is no sexual tension between you two
When two people have a burning desire, the sexual tension can increase. However, you will have any such signs when she doesn’t want you.
36. She says to trust you as a “Friend.”
She will never let you get out of that “friends” feeling. She will always tell you that she trusts you more than any other friend and will end the discussion by saying you are her best friend.
37. You Feel Friend zoned
Even if she doesn’t call you a friend, you will feel like being friend-zoned through her behavior and manners. Do not ignore such gut instincts.
38. Shoulder pats for consoling
Physical touches can say it all for the signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you. As a friend, she will try to pat your shoulder when it comes to comforting you. Girlfriends console you differently.
39. She pretends to be unaware of your feelings
Even if you clear signs of liking her, she will pretend to be unaware of your emotions, so she doesn’t have to refuse you.
40. She doesn’t care about her appearance around you
Women want to look for the guys they are in love with. However, if she doesn’t care about how she looks or gets special preps to meet you, it can be one of the strongest signs she doesn’t love you.
Signs she wants a serious relationship with you
Before ending the discussion, let us share some positive signs that show she wants a serious relationship with you. We don’t want to disappoint you.
- You feel it by your gut instincts.
- She never feels shy to show her feelings.
- She is always affectionate towards you and treats you differently.
- She smiles at you in a special way to tell you, that you are the one she likes.
- She likes holding hands with you on the road and such light intimacy.
- She talks about love and the future to give you hints she wants a serious relationship with you.
- She loves to hang out with you and never cancels plans.
- She never refuses your invites and always seems eager to get along.
- Doesn’t make excuses.
- She likes to take care of you.
Bottom Line
We have added 40 signs she doesn’t want a relationship with you and 10 strongest signs she wants a serious relationship with you. For more information, keep visiting us.